Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - We're really sorry about Microsoft Flight

Oh heck no. I’m not a masochist. There will be sim rate acceleration for sure, and using GPS. I mean it has one I just paid for, why not?

The better question is weather and I’m a little afraid of that over the Atlantic hops but we’ll see. I mean you guys fly in crazier stuff than me.

So with that, away we go. EDDM (Munich) to EBBR (Brussels.)

Total flights on the aircraft since purchase:
EDPF - purchase in Schwandorf, Germany (16 hours, 12 minutes on airframe at purchase)
EDPF - EDMS - quick flight to Straubing, Germany to have a cheaper avionics install
EDMS - EDDM - ferried 3 passengers to Munich before making the decision to keep going
EDDM - EBBR - Night flight to Brussels, no passengers, real weather remains clear

Are there any before and after shots of this update?

This post by Ginger_Yellow earlier in the thread showed some stuff like the old Buckingham Palace.

@Pedro I think this may be a ticket for us helping Peter!

It’ll generate a start and we can go from there.

Looks like Orbx is working on a patch that will let you use their stuff alongside MSFS’s. Should be available in a week if you’re using Orbx Central, and a bit longer if you bought through the MSFS store, since it needs to go through approval process.

They’ve promised to add more landmarks too.

There’s a video in the big thread on the official forums.


It doesn’t work with Steam versions, apparently. I DLed it anyway and gave it a shot but it’s just generating empty files for me.

You’re on Steam too, right? I’ll send the link to Peter and see if he’s on the MS Store version.

Same. :( I was all excited and then generated a bunch of nothing. Still I guess I can try my hand at the real thing at some point.

I wasn’t paying attention and burned up my FSE hours yesterday evening doing my Cessna 182 flights. I also nearly lost her.

I made my way over the channel and across England and Scotland and over to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis. This was my last chosen spot prior to the long jump across to Iceland. During the flights up to Stornoway, the flights were all in the dark which wasn’t a big deal as it was relatively clear and calm. Approaching Stornoway, I started to get a few clouds but it was still great flying. So I decided to finish my day yesterday with that long flight to Iceland.

Mistakes were made. One, always check weather. Two, when flying above the ocean, get as high as possible. Three, don’t be me, fly it during the day if possible, where you can at least see something. I flew up to around 7000 and was getting good cruise speed though I was pushing the engine hard. Then I saw what I thought was a distant flash. It turned out to be a storm that was barreling toward me and straight in my path to Iceland. As I got closer I forgot another item I’d missed: relative air temp around me at that earth location and height. I was getting icing on my windows. Then the real storm hit and I was getting bounced like a ping pong ball. I was able to climb up a bit to get out of the middle of it (and to hopefully stop the advance of icing, but it had already started to affect my airspeed. I was looking at death in the middle of the ocean, but since I was gaming, I pressed on.

By the time I got over Iceland I was -barely- flying at 11000 feet and just hoping I could make Keflavik. To make it worse, I had to approach Kef at a low enough altitude I could see something in the cloud clover. This literally equated to barely 1000 above Kef’s airport where I was fortunately able to finally see the runways there. I limped in and thankfully shut down for the evening. I didn’t get a lot of pics, I was too white knuckled to think of them to be honest.

Let me just check the weather rad… what’s that red cell there?

Icing and trying to climb out of it with rapidly falling airspeed. DANGER!

Oh, lightning. Swell.

Getting above it, finally.

Missing pics of the descent back down to get into Keflavik and how dangerous that was as well.

That is great :D

Well, glad Sim Update 3 is only a couple of weeks out, since the latest update made flaps really wonky.

For me it’s made planes SUPER lifting, but come to think of it that’s with flaps down in some way. Like taking off automatically 20knots faster than typical rotation or unable to actually come down when landing. Glad to hear they are on it.

Also, I wish I could take screenshots as well as the folks on reddit

Did something happen to the Alabama King Air?

The one from Alabama is on re-lease assignment to Oji Air for a bit. The one from Montego Bay is on the way up to Alabama, after just carrying a high paying exec crew up to Destin, Florida (KDTS). Feel free to use the one in Tampa is closer to more money missions. I was attempting to fly it back to Montgomery, aka KMGM where I know there’s a good mix of missions every 3-5 days.)

Yeah, I’ve started to get the extreme ground floatiness as well. Not sure if it wasn’t happening before or if it’s just not as noticeable on a DA62 as a King Air. Speaking of which, I’ve dropped it off at KMGM.

Also, don’t know how people feel about the Dakotas, but it would be very easy to get an FBO network going there right now:

Shaffer Aviation 83V✓ Upton Mun, Upton, Wyoming, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 7G9✓ Canton Mun, Canton, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 9SD9✓ Weelborg, Dell Rapids, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 8V2✓ Stuart-Atkinson Mun, Atkinson, Nebraska, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 9D1✓ Gregory Mun, Gregory, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 5N4✓ Sky Haven, Enderlin, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 6L3✓ Lisbon Mun, Lisbon, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 3W8✓ Eureka Mun, Eureka, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 4F9✓ La Moure Rott Mun, La Moure, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 2D5✓ Oakes Mun, Oakes, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 51D✓ Edgeley Mun, Edgeley, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 1D7✓ The Sigurd Anderson, Webster, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 1D8✓ Redfield Mun, Redfield, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 6L5✓ Wishek Mun, Wishek, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 7L2✓ Linton Mun, Linton, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 9F8✓ Hoven Mun, Hoven, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 98D✓ Onida Mun, Onida, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 84D✓ Cheyenne Eagle Butte, Eagle Butte, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 8F6✓ Murdo Mun, Murdo, South Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation CJL6✓ Altona, Altona, Manitoba, Canada Canada $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 96D✓ Walhalla Mun, Walhalla, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 5H4✓ Harvey Mun, Harvey, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation CJS5✓ Killarney Mun, Killarney, Manitoba, Canada Canada $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation D09✓ Bottineau Mun, Bottineau, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00
Shaffer Aviation 2H9✓ Rolette, Rolette, North Dakota, United States United States $150,000.00

There’s a few going in Brazil for a bit more money, if you want somewhere more exotic.

Would love to get involved but I don’t have a red cent at the moment. If you fancied financing a couple I could send a DA62 north to it.

Edit: the Mooney in Munich is available to the group now. Only two more planes to pay off :)

On one of the forums people sell FBOs. I’ve noticed some keys for what they are worth:

1 lot versus 2 lot versus 3 lot. All make a big difference but 3-lot FBOs get asked for the most money. That’s a lot of potential gates.

Certain FBOs are at unlimited fuel stops. So besides you hauling in fuel to sell there, there is also a free market unlimited fuel. Very handy.

Is the lot listed in MSFS. That isn’t a deal breaker but instead of making airports and anyone that has to use them needs to download them, you’re already ahead of the game.

Established lots that are being sold as a group. These already have passenger terminals or maintenance facilities.

Finally there is the ‘distance to an airport that sells building supplies.’ Since you need those for damn near everything to build FBOs and for monthly upkeep on them, the closer the better.

For passengers, the rule is:
You get 1 gate per FBO size, per airport size and it’s based on the formula for how many supplies the FBO uses per month (varies slightly per size.) You can have as little as 1 gate on a small airport to 9 gates on a maxed size airport. And each gate can generate passenger runs of 3 people or 1x3 people, etc.

Pedro and I have been flying and helping for Oji Air, he has a multi-FBO network waaaay north in Canada. I’ve been to many of them now I think they are all one-lot FBOs.
Oji Air - Oji Air - Google My Maps

He also has some links between other networks now, which drives more passenger runs on both sides of the link, back and forth. However, a lot of the stuff at each airport are the “black runs,” meaning just standard and lower paying computer generated passengers or cargo.

Many thanks, whomever flew the King Air back in to KMGM!

@Ginger_Yellow how did you generate that list of open FBOs for an area?

I didn’t, as such, they were just all grouped like that in the Purchase FBO tab, presumably because they’re all the same price. You can sort by country, which helps a little. In practice, sorting by name also helps, as groups tend to bunch up their FBOs.