Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - We're really sorry about Microsoft Flight

I… have a problem. :(

Naw man, be hobby-positive. You have a passion. Is it a problem to you or those around you? Keep on keepin’on mate!

Looks like I have 207GB in my install area and an additional 60GB in other downloaded addons. I’m not at Kaosfere levels but it’s not a light install either.

Thanks to some recent Dell purchases, I’ve got a bunch of Dell Rewards that I can burn.

And, hey, Dell sells joysticks!

Unfortunately, the Thrustmaster T16000M is temporarily out of stock.

But the TCA Airbus Edition with Throttle is in stock

Anyone have experience with the Airbus stick? I know that Flight Sim automatically recognizes it and has full support. But I’m sorta wondering how it does in more shooty sims (DCS). I know they think the Airbus branding is a selling point, but it makes me think it’s only for airliners.

The actual button layout looks the same as my T1600M at the bottom, and a google closeup looks like it may have slightly less buttons at the top. I have Trigger + 3 buttons + tophat on the T1600M top.

This looks like a trigger plus two buttons plus a tophat. Not like you’re losing much here, hell I rarely use half the buttons on my joystick in flight.

The T1600M has parts to flip the handle of it for lefties, so if that’s important to you, make sure the Airbus version has the same.

@schurem may know of folks that play with the Airbus joystick in DCS. It’s been quite a while since I’ve played combat air sims.

If it has a trigger you can fly DCS with it. More buttons are better. But you need only one.

I have been bested and shot down by people flying on a keyboard, so an airbus branded stick which actually is a tm1600 should do fine.

The two throttles would rock for something like a harrier, but a real HOTAS this set ain’t. You will not be picking out which testicle to drop a jdam on from 30000 feet while sorting bandits and dodging SAM’s. Well, not without making chords on your keyboard.

You can always start lusting after foot-long russian built boutique sticks after you find your feet and get bitten by the bug again…

This is the top of the T1600M by comparison. The rest is damn near identical.

Thanks. I ordered the stick only.

If you ever get a throttle quad, especially if it’s one of the thrustmaster ones, there is a lot of overlap from the default button setup on the joystick extra buttons and the throttle extra buttons. Remap if needed.

Oh, wish I’d seen this quicker. I have the t.1600m on my main flight sim rig, but the Airbus TCA stuff on my second work computer for when the kid and I do multiplayer. The sticks are just about identical quality and capability-wise, with the added benefit of a reverse thrust position on the stick’s throttle slider.

But the throttle quadrant’s nice too, and you wouldn’t have regretted ordering that. The lack of buttons compared to the t.1600m’s throttle is a bit of a downside, but the two throttle axes are really nice, and the setup work great for MSFS,

If you get the TCA throttle too, you won’t hate yourself. :) T.1600m throttle’s a bit better for combat stuff, but the TCA throttle’s better for MSFS.

My Thurstmaster TCA Airbus stick has arrived, and I inaugurated it with a F-22 flight form KSEA to KSFO, complete with a high-speed, low-pass buzzing of San Francisco and landing that would have gotten even Pete “Maverick” Mitchell grounded for life.

I can’t believe I’ve been trying to fly this with a gamepad. It is like a million times easier with a stick.

MS is gonna have a problem when all the Xboys show up.

The Thrustmaster Hotas works on Xbox, as does the T16000M. There may be more that work on it but I had wondered the same for my nephew and he fed me the info on Thrustmaster compatibility.

But I agree with you, flying straight, using the rudder, trimming, hell, damn near everything is easier. It doesn’t feel like you’re trying to land a yoyo.

Yeah, I know that the Xbox has sticks, but I think the vast majority of folks who download it on Gamepass are not going to have a fun time.

Eh, I lived through Gunvalkyrie’s bizarre control scheme, I’ll manage this.

Playing around with all sorts of graphics settings, and somehow I ended up in an early morning Seattle flight that was getting about 5 fps, but my CPU and GPU were both running at about 20% each. Memory usage was 32GB (I have 64, but yikes still).

Sounding like something is starved.

I’m not sure what’s supposed to be so hard about flying with the controller. It’s true, flying straight is a bit tricky, as is trimming. But making little micro-adjustments all the time during flight keeps me more engaged anyway.

I had no troubles with the rudder and landing once I made the recommended changes to the controls that Pedro (I think) recommended.

(I’m sure it’s easier with the joysticks or yokes, sure, but it’s not exactly hard with the controller is my basic point).

Did you turn on the Display FPS option using dev mode? That provides some really useful information that can help you find your bottlenecks. That amount of memory usage definitely sounds aberrant, though. Feels buggy to me, but I’d want to see what your FPS display was giving for timings.

I think it was a bunch of things.

Seattle is photogrammetry, so it has a lot more CPU burden that 99% of the world terrain.

I was flying a Raptor at like 900 knots at <1,000 feet, so the game couldn’t keep up with generating terrain that fast.

I was flying a dawn flight, so the lighting tax may have really hit.

I was messing around with the graphics in-flight, so maybe there were things that simply couldn’t change without a restart? I originally started at Ultra at 70% scaling on a 1440P display. I later switched it to High and kept lowering render scaling, but that didn’t help.

In the end, massive swaths of textures in front me weren’t loading, and didn’t have buildings on them. And the frame rate was in the single digits.

That new Raptor is so much fun. It’s so damn fast. I just did a low-level flight from Paris to London. About 1,000 feet altitude at 0.9 Mach. Weeeeeeeee…

I’m suspecting photogrammetry kills frame rate. Watching my GPU drop from 99% utilization to like 50-60% in photogrammetry areas.

Can’t wait for the performance patch.

If anyone wants to go on a Raptor flight, I am game.