Might & Magic Showdown

Set in the rich RPG fantasy universe of Might & Magic with its diverse bestiary, Might & Magic: Showdown is a tactical PvP combat experience where you command a team of customizable miniature heroes and creatures to overcome your opponent by mixing strategic planning and real-time action in quick, bite-sized sessions. Build your team and bring the miniatures to life through a combination of visual personalization and programmable actions that will define your playstyle and ultimately bring them to the battleground for the Showdown![/quote]

I’m going to assume this is some F2P thing.

Do not want.

Where is M&M XI?

Sounds like a M&M-themed MOBA to me. Why? Is that space not already crowded enough? Hard pass.

Still waiting for a sequel to the best M&M game in the series: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.

I wouldn’t call it the best M&M ever, but it was a lot better than I expected (and it’s certainly one of my favorite games in the franchise). I would love to see a good sequel to it.

Twist! Maybe it is the sequel to M&M: Clash of Heroes!?

Interest curve went really high and really low in near-record time, there!

Preach, brother kerzain!

God damnit.

Now up on Steam Early Access.

Hey, at least it’s not F2P.

I don’t know what you guys are on about, this looks okay. That’s one boring box shot and description, but from the video it looks like a pretty cool recreation of a table top game, with added virtual living room and castle diorama. That’s one hard working announcer, too!

Looks better than Warhammer game #2738, anyway.

Huh. I like Might & Magic, and I like tactics and I like miniatures, so if executed well I could see getting into this.

Ok, this looks amazing.

However, I have no idea how it plays? Anybody here knows?

PC Gamer posted something about it and… well… it was not exactly flattering.

Someone’s gonna figure out how to paint a dick on something.

Once they’re in your possession, you have several options for customizing them: You can pick from pre-painted color schemes, automatically fill in different parts (armor pieces, skin, etc.) with specific colors, add highlights and lowlights, or pick up a virtual paintbrush and create your own detailed masterwork by freehand. It’s a system that enables an incredible degree of customization for dedicated painters, but also lets you create a uniquely cool-looking character with just a few seconds of tinkering.[/quote]

Honestly, this is something Warhammer games should do.

I’ve been saying that for years. GW are fools for not going this route a decade ago.

Far as I know they’ve always been worried about cannibalizing tabletop sales. I don’t know if that’s a reasonable fear or not but I absolutely will not ever pay their tabletop prices, nor do I want to assemble or paint the minis, so they either do proper electronic versions of their games (at a lower pricetag) or I for one will never touch them.

So I would get to show my bad artistic talents on an online game now?

I will win games by people turning into stone just looking at the ugly characters I would create!

Really there is more about the painting then the game in that trailer.

Looks very cool I have to admit.