Mirror's Edge Catalyst - Rebooting the series

Beat the final mission (though I think I just noticed a new side mission pop up after the credits). I’m just going to do a few more things before dropping the game.

Game was fantastic and I really enjoyed myself. It would have been better with 2 things:

  1. The load times when you fall are atrocious. I wouldn’t mind the races if falling didn’t cause 7-10 seconds of loading + having to reset.
  2. It’s really annoying to have good flow and running around, try to jump out of the building only to find yourself climbing up on glass that you didn’t realize was there. IRL I learned long ago that clean glass walls needs a stripe of some sort on them so people don’t run into them, and the same can be said for in the game.

Started in on this one finally (loved the first one, though getting the “don’t shoot anyone” achievement was both a pain in the tookus, and one which I’m rather proud of), and I’m enjoying it a lot.

I actually have a physical copy that had some dust on it, but it was on Gamepass, so I just went that direction.

I do like how they make it so you can’t shoot anyone anymore. For some reason in these games, I have zero problem with kicking a bad guy off of a skyscraper to fall to their death, but don’t want to shoot anyone.

The Delivery mission times are insanely difficult however. I’ve gotten a couple, but most I just cancel out of if it’s way too tight. Maybe I’ll go back and do them with the grappling hook, etc. later.