Mobile forum font size: you like 'em BIG, and ROUND

Probably more relevant here than on the Front Page topics but the Front Page font is one pixel smaller than Discourse. If you think Discourse is difficult to read, I bet you that Front Page will be impossible.

Dragging in an extraneous multitasking window doesn’t fix the tint font. Look at the difference in text size between qt3 and an unzoomed news story…

That’s an extra large font on the right though. Compare Twitter app font in the same location and it’s not far off, to me.

Well, I can read the font on the right without glasses, the font on the left gives me eyestrain after a very short time.

When the first 640x480 smartphones came out I ran in a ridiculously tiny font and loved it. Now I need larger text to read comfortably.

I totally get you’re fine with the text size on the iPad Pro. But most forum software realizes that different readers have different visual comfort levels and lets users adjust font sizes, colors, etc. Hopefully discourse will accommodate other user profiles than the Wumpus persona someday. :)

We generally practice Complaint Driven Development and we just don’t get that many complaints about it at the moment.

Here is a crop of my iPad Pro screen showing Twitter app side by side with Safari text, Discourse text, and Twitter text. I don’t see an enormous difference there. (Everything is at defaults)

Okay. Well, consider me complaining. :) Twitter lets me adjust the font size. And many apps respect the larger system font size I chose.

It is too bad Mobile Safari on iPad doesn’t let you set zoom level, like on desktop. That is the normal way to handle it. I searched a bit and there are some crazy hacky bookmarks:

+2, I’m glad I’m not alone in this.

It doesn’t even affect me but I’ll totally whine about it on behalf of you folks!

How does complaint driven development work when most people in life don’t complain, try just stop using something? I guess you have a blog post on this topic already?

A certain percentage of people will always complain. It’s not generally a problem, unless what you are shipping is so godawful that nobody can even get far enough to care.

+3 (maybe 4 counting Armando). I don’t wear or need glasses according to my optometrist. But it’s still uncomfortably small. User adjustable font size would be great.

Since mobile browsers still (somehow) don’t offer font size adjustments, modern responsive sites should do so.

OK, please consider me a whining complainer too.

What I don’t understand is why most webpages on iOS let me double tap the center column of text to zoom, but some like Discourse don’t. If I could either double tap or pinch to zoom, it would both get rid of the borders on the side and make the text a good size.

Thanks for the crazy hacky bookmark link, Wumpus. I installed those and they work to make Qt3 comfortably readable for me. Hope to eventually see font options and dark colors without a browser plugin in future versions, though! :)

Opera for Android (I’ve no experience with any other mobile OS) works pretty great for zooming in to read otherwise tiny text. Simply zoom the page then layout of text is automatically adjusted to fit inside the width of the screen. It’s worked for me on Qt3, Something Awful forums, Reddit, ArsTechnica, various news sites, and every other random type of page I can think of.

For comparison FireFox doesn’t adjust the text area so zooming may get readable text but you need to keep dragging the window left and right to read it.

Two caveats:

  • there’s a new Opera Mini which I haven’t tried.
  • they say they’re remaking Opera browser so who knows what’ll change. I just hope they don’t ruin it like they did to the desktop version…

Note that in iOS 10 zooming is available no matter what.

I want to bring this topic up again. I have about an hour to kill and decided to read up some of the discussions I’ve been bookmarking for read-later. It’s reall a struggle to read lots of text in Discourse on a mobile (iPhone 6 Plus) because of the tiny font. I couldn’t last more than 20 minutes and had to put it down due to fatigue (I read a lot on the phone (Kindle), so it’s not my phone nor my eyes). Is there no hope at all? How does this forum look on the new iPhone X? Even smaller I bet!

Yes. It’s pretty small. I suppose I should bump up the Dynamic Font Size in Settings but it’s really only noticeable in Discourse for me so far.

This have no effect to web pages and discourse.