Monday Night Combat - we've just announced

Going to try this out soon and join in some MP if it works out well.

I just watched the giantbomb quick look, and it looks great. Blitz mode looked like a lot of fun too, as a combination of Gears horde mode and a tower defense game. Will definitely buy it as soon as I get back home tomorrow evening.

I stopped maintaining that thread when we went to the edit-it-yourself database here:

(which is linked from Tom’s stickied “PLEASE READ: Forum rules…” thread)

Aha! I’ve even been there before, but it must have been prior to getting my 360. Thanks Schmidt!

Bought it after enjoying the demo. Nice to see the demo has all the classes and a healthy variety of matches. There’s almost too much buttrock going on in the menus which is something I’d never think would be possible. Cool live-action credits too.

That said, here’s my nitpicks from playing a few local matches and one online:

[li]Game needs some sort of sound or something beyond the lifebar to indicate that I’m taking damage, as the sniper I was usually dead or almost dead before I could react.[/li][li]Local singleplayer matches should not have a 20 second waiting countdown before returning to the menus.[/li][li]While I appreciate having the default sensitivity being superfast I wonder how many are going to be able to handle it. No aiming slowdown while scoped made it even a bit too fast for me until I warmed up at the default setting.[/li][li]The Auto-Tutorial that plays before you even get to a menu is a bit jarring, I can appreciate that it’s there so people understand what the hell is going on before they fuck up multiplayer matches but it’s just bad form to not even let someone adjust options first. (Yes, you can skip the tutorial and get to the menus by pressing start but it’s just a poor choice.)[/li][li]Also the tutorial stadium doesn’t load the MNC logos all the way before it does the pan around which makes it look terrible.[/li][/ul]

[li]Voice volume isn’t separate from anything else which always annoys me, whatever the characters are saying in the tutorial is completely inaudible because of this. Considering the menu music is louder than anything else being unable to decrease the volume of it or mute it is a terrible design decision.[/li][/ul]

About damned time this Summer of Arcade actually delivered though.

I’m digging it and will be looking for some multiplayer games tonight and tomorrow. Send me an invite! Gamertag: hjmadigan

After 2 hrs of play I’m really liking this game. Exhibition is quite easy but anything above requires good team work and having the right classes. And even then it’s still tough. I only finished Season(the 2nd easiest mode?) once in 15 or so attempts. Exhibition, Season, Playoff etc are all the Blitz modes where it’s like Horde, destroying wave after wave of increasingly tough enemies.
I only tried Crossfire once(the 6 on 6 mode) and my team won though I don’t think I got a single human kill(destroyed plenty o’ robots though).

My 2 favourite classes are Support and Tank.
Support can upgrade turrets[‘hacking’] and they make a big difference. one thing I’d like to know is if you upgrade your hack skill, do all the turrets you hacked upgrade with it automatically? Or do you need to hack them again?
Support’s weapon is also very good not only because you can heal and over heal squad mates and turrets but also it also turns out that the drain on enemies is much more powerful than I imagined it to be.
Tank is just a nice and easy class to get a handle on. His weapons are powerful from the start(and I think are unable to be upgraded anyway). You get a rail gun for long range, a jet flamer for closer and a spinning light saber type deal that’s usually an insta kill when things are up close and personal.
As for the turrets themselves, I think the long range ones are pretty useless and the rockets are the best, especially when complimented by near by icey turrets(which slow enemies down).

There’s tons of decision making going on, definitely the emphasis here is tactics and not about being good at shooters.

Try the Gunner, upgraded deploy lets you be awesome base defense and the minigun/split mortar does great damage even undeployed.

When is this coming to steam?

This sounds a lot like Global Agenda. Confirm/deny from those who are playing?

It’s nothing like Global Agenda since it’s not garbage.

According to the FAQ on the game’s page it’s only for the 360.


I picked this up tonight. I’ve only played a few games online but I am really enjoying it. The controls are a lot tighter than I was expecting.

I think I’m gonna return to it. If anyone else is playing add me hanji moti

PS: I wish I could the music off entirely.

Support seems a bit overpowered right now.

I actually really like the Assault class.

Support is incredibly strong. Sniper with fully upgraded shots + Flak is really strong as well. Really the only truly weak class I’ve played with so far is assassin and they are pretty good as sniper counters.

I’ve been switching between Tank and Support. It’s easy to rack up points/cash with Support in a really frantic game once you upgrade towers and run around getting assists.

The only classes I haven’t played around with much are Sniper and Assassin. There seem to be a lot of Assassins out there, but I haven’t come across many good ones yet. I can still spot them if they’re out on their own, and if they grapple me from the front and I’m playing Tank or Assault it doesn’t one-shot me and I can just start jamming on “B” so I dash right into them and usually kill them outright the second their stabby stabby animation is done.

Snipers are much more annoying. There was a really good one on the opposing team tonight who made wicked use of traps. It was like he was playing with us. I mean, I know he WAS playing a game with us, but you know what I mean.

The freeze is great at stopping bot rushes and the sniper explosion upgrade means you can fire at people/turrets being healed and damage the support guy healing them. Combo that with the gigantic radius of level 3 flak grenades and you have an extremely powerful character once fully leveled.

Oh, that sucks. I hope they release it soon.

Oh, that was nasty… he was using traps to freeze us while we tried to defend the moneyball. Related lesson: if you round a corner, and you see an empty path littered with coins, there’s probably a sniper watching it.

I tried Gunner, Tank, and Assault so far.
Gunner - Um, I’m not a very good gunner.
Tank - The Jet’s alt-fire spin is very good; I had to resist the urge to spam it. The second level deploy (adds heal) is good when you’re far from your base and there’s no healer nearby.
Assault - Very mobile class. In a couple of games that went into overtime, I was able to use fly/charge to sneak above their moneyball and take potshots at it.

Good playing with y’all tonight!