Monster Hunter World!!!!!

It’s not like the original pre-order bonuses? I could’ve sword I just, well claimed those. I also have claimed a free respec for the character but I never used it.

Well it’s been a few months, but I’m pretty sure I had to talk to my housekeeper cat to get that stuff. Can’t swear to it, though.

This is a really game-appropriate typo.

I really gotta ax you to lay off the puns

I need to get back into this game. I just… with my group only quasi showing up in PC, and me liking the PS4 community. I’m torn on which one to do because I feel like it’s not fair to get that far ahead of them.

I did fine with the first monster using maxed out Nerg armor. It took more monster retreat sequences (?) than expected. One user review mentioned the Iceborne monsters have a lot of HP and fights take a bit longer than you’d like. I guess that one was okay.

I talked to my friend yesterday and he said his average hunter at mid MR is ~16 minutes, which is definitely on the long side. I think HR hunts for me when I was still going through the story were around 10 minute mark.

Yeah, it felt like a 5 hour fight when I killed viper tobi kadachi. Though that was partially because I had to stop to use poison antidotes a few hundred times.

Not an easy fight, that one. Its ranged attacks are a few degrees of magnitude more vicious than its similar-named cousin.

It seems to be confirmed that the high CPU “bug” a lot of people are having is produced by Denuvo.

By bringing up task manager and select to close the application (but without confirming the action) lets you play the game with a joypad while disabling the keyboard. Performance is magically much better.

Apparently they hooked most of the copy protection to the key input loop, and the prompt window disables that whole thing.

So yeah, such a great job. Another drop is due to encrypting data files, that I’ve read can also be disabled.

Yup, this is correct. You can shave a few mins off with a decent MR weapon, but fights remain on the longer side until you can rock a nice set of MR gear and craft weapons from the final boss.

I think the theories are saying it’s apparently the anti-cheat, not Denuvo/copy protection

I ended up picking this up last night after all. After initially getting crushed by the opening snow shark thing, I upgraded some of my armor to master level (what a difference in DEF between this and the rank 8 armor I’d been wearing!).and beat it down. Then I went back and beat the crap out of a Nerg with the newer stuff and it was no contest. Power level certainly shot up w/ the expansion!

So, I’m on Windows 10 at the moment and I’ve tried the fixes to no avail. However, I’m not having many problems. I’m at ultrawide and I average 55-60 FPS. That said, I’m also on an I9-9900k and a 2080 ti with 32GB of RAM. I should, in theory, get much better frames.

I looked around some and saw that Windows Defender is going nuts for some people. This is somewhat true for me, but not enough to cause a CPU bottleneck. I tried disabling all the things people have tried and still no luck.

From what I’m seeing, it looks like they’ve coded the anti-cheat processes so intensely that it’s slowing the game down.

Is this happening with base game with post iceborne patch or only for game plus iceborne content players?

Everyone I believe.

The post I saw was quite specific, and lots of people were having problems with CPU usage.

There are two components, one for encryption, the other is supposedly Denuvo:

That’s half the CPU working against you.

Pre-release Notification of Upcoming Patch

[Issue Summary]
We’ve noted an issue that resulted in an unusually high level of CPU utilization during active gameplay. The upcoming patch, which should be released in the coming days, should improve CPU utilization.

So I fought Nightshade Paolumu and Coral Pukei-Pukei yesterday and I loved the design of both. The fight against the Coral Pukei-Pukei was so much fun. Nightshade Paolumu was less so, but it was kind of refreshing that I finally had to use energy drinks for the first time in my 200+ hours of game time so far.

Next is Barioth, which some people say is the Master Rank equivalent of the low rank fight against Anjanath. I’m getting mentally prepared for that, I suppose. ;)

On a side note, Hunting Horn is amazing in Iceborne. The new attack/note is fantastic and opens a whole lot of tactical options now. New songs are pretty cool too.

Amazing as it is and sounds, though, it seems it will still be second option for melee, because the Switch Axe is absurdly awesome in Iceborne. Axe mode is not only viable now, but it brings a whole lot more fun and nuance to the weapon, since now I’m switching between modes a lot more (in MHW, it was usually better to avoid axe mode and stay as much as possible in sword mode). I don’t know why Switch Axe just clicks for me in MHW, but it’s fabulous now, and I’m loving every minute playing with it.

As for ranged, I have to experiment yet, but I’ll probably go with the Heavy Bowgun. We’ll see.

Dude, I’m with you. I haven’t been able to put it down. There is so much versatility now.

If you’re looking for a good early game SA the straight up pukei-pukei is fantastic. Mid game go for Rathian. Both have poison, power phials, white sharpness, and high attack.