More Star Trek: TNG?

Leeta god dammit. (Thank you Yak)

How did she get the dammit? Was she born with it? (Two of them? Are they big?)

I guess this is the current thread for all things Trek.

I’d never seen any of DS9 myself but I’ve stated it now using a couple of the lists linked to decide which episodes to see. Out of the eight episodes I’ve seen so far there has been one stand out episode (Duet), but I think the show shows promise and looks like there’s a lot of groundwork in place for much pay-off later.

I was very disappointed by Move Along Home, though. It wasn’t half as terrible as I was hoping it would be!

Iggy Pop showed up.

That was worth it.

I would pay money to watch Iggy caulk a bathroom.

Oh crap, I totally forgot they roped in Iggy Pop to play a Cardassian. I totally want to watch that episode again.

And on a side note, for some reason I wanted to type Cardassian with a K and my phone turned that into Kardashian, and then a chill went down my spine. I imagine a lot of dumb jokes have been made about that, but I never noticed how similar the words were until just now.

He was a Vorta (or however you spell it).

The Cardassians are only Space Nazis, lets have some perspective. They’re not THAT evil.

Ah, my bad, going off memory. I probably haven’t seen that episode in 20 years.

Thank god they didn’t overlap (DS9 and the Rise of the K’s).

And now I’m reminded of the awesome “Prometheopsis”, in which Kelly Wand said “Kardashian” and Tom thought he had made a Star Trek reference. ;)

Another couple of good episodes watched! “Necessary Evil” and “The Alternate”. Both focusing on Odo. Back when I only saw bits and pieces of some episodes when they were on TV 15 or so years ago I got the impression that he was just another rehash of Spock or Data, but I see how uninformed that opinion was. A really interesting character, and René Auberjonois is doing a really good job playing him.

So you’re saying… it’s forgettable.

It’s good, very good in fact. Just not TOS…

Of course I’m kidding, sort of. :) OTOH the Defiant was an awesome ship.

It was a particularly powerful little ship that looked like a cross between a handy-vac and an electric blender without mixers attached.

DS9 = Fantasticness

TOS = Timeless Classic

The Roomba of Starfleet. You are a mensch of Star Trek. :) People here will tell you that I don’t use that term loosely.

All those ships were silly looking, especially the original Enterprise. The engines seemed so easy to sheer off.

It didn’t look like any of the nation’s required such extreme ship design, so why did the Federation build them like that?

Now, if you want to see awesome sci-fi ships on the small screen, nothing, absolutely nothing is better than Aurora class battleship of Stargate Atlantis. That was a cool looking ship.

Lego, I like you but the Brig is free. I don’t think @divedivedive is in it (surprisingly).

The TOS Enterprise, original D-7 and TNG Warbird are all classic ships.



My personal favorite is the D-10D Riskadh-class


My understanding is they were out there so if the engines exploded it wouldn’t kill the whole crew instantly.

Most species seemed to follow that rule for the most part to different degrees. The only ship that didn’t really was the Bird of Prey, but those thing also seemed to explode in one volley with all hands lost fairly regularly.

Also most Federation ships weren’t pure combat vessels so you had a lot of non-combat people and often their families roaming around and you needed to give them a better chance of escape if things went bad.