My Sony/Android TV got bricked. Any advice?

I’ve got the random dashboard issue since I got mine, just use the input button to point it back to your hdmi port you want to use.

LMGTFY. Change the settings for Illumination Led to “simple response”.

Ok I’ll try that but if it works, I’ll add it to my list of reasons technology sucks.

So is TV repair still a thing these days or is it just a better idea to junk it (hopefully recycle it?) and get something newer?
My 50" 2013 Panasonic Plasma (S60) has worked like a champ but won’t last forever. Been thinking about getting one of the TCL Series 6 4k HDR ones. Not too spendy at 55 inches, and it’s good for gaming.

TCL has Roku which is nice. My only tip is if HDR shows on netflix start being too dark just… disable it by using the 4k NON-HDR mode manually. I thought I was going blind but nope, turns out I just have an HDR bug/issue/feature that makes every HDR show look like game of thrones dragon flight.

It’s still a thing, I’m just not sure if it’s worth it. With TV costs dropping the way they have, it’s hard to justify (IMO) hundreds of dollars in repair costs.

When I was looking to repair mine, it was a $100 diagnostic fee and then I think there was a $300 minimum charge or something? So out of pocket $400 or so, at best. That was just one repair place I checked (there weren’t many), so I may have been able to shop around and get a much better deal. I moved a few months later so just ended up buying a new one when I sold my house.

Your Google skills are no better than mine. Still goes into a full reboot on most turn-ons.

Hi guys!
I have success with my SONY BRAVIA KDL-75W855C ( 06/2015 ) ( RESOLVED ).
The tv has problem with software then i downloaded latest Firmware from SONY (noughat)
so i got bricket my TV ( stuck on boot logo after update )
no one of button was working so i cant to do Factory reset or turn off the TV.
Tested 15 ways… no green light comming up.

I get off the back cover to access motherboardet ( there USB/ HDMI and AUX are )
Then i plugged out the silver group of cables which come from the POWER SUPLY boarded,
and the speakers, and the buttons panel cables.

  1. Connect back to the motherboard cables from buttons panel ( 2 silver and 1 white ).
  2. Press and hold ( ON and volume-) for a ~30 - 40 seconds.
  3. Release the buttons.
  4. Press and hold again the same group of buttons ( ON and volume- ).
  5. Plug the AC power cord back in while hold the both buttons. ( ON and volume- ).
  6. Release the buttons after the green LED light appears.
  7. Wait ! It’s may take 5-10 min with black screen and LED light in WHITE.
  8. Wellcome screen with language select should be come.!

On the picture my TV is on and im testing LAN network connection. :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope that will fix yours problem.
by One boy from Bulgaria :slight_smile:

Bulgaria to the rescue! Seriously, amazing job. That’s awesome you were able to fix it and I hope other people finding this thread are able to fix their TVs as well!

I tried your steps… it doesn’t seems working on…
And It creates more problem for me …
Earlier i had only rebooting issues…I tried all your steps including unplugging power supply and hard reset but now my Sony Android tv booms to new problem…my TV Display blank screen… No picture, No Sound, Only Black screen…
Led backlight seems working just display white led light
I don’t know how to solve this new issues 😭😭😭
Help me 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


You cant cause some damage on your tv if ypu have followed my steps
Probably you have to check any wire connections
and are you sure you didnt create some short circuit ?

Send me some pictures of the backside on your tv… also both motherboarda and wire connections

Tell me exactly the way you do everything

Please check the below images…
I followed your steps only …
I touched the wires which you have mentioned…! But iam unaware why my led tv display no pictures…blank screen with no images…

I think you have different motherboard.

Which model is your tv?
Kdl? 855w?

Sony android Kdl 43w950d model…
One thing i forget to update you… that I didn’t followed one step from your instructions… that is i didn’t unplugged button panel wires…bcoz I can’t unplug it…it was very strong enough…

Unplug from the otherside wire is enought.

But something is wrong…
Which color is light?
White or red
And is that some pulse lighting or constant.
Test to unplug every wire from the motherboard and plug this wire which is buttons console AS FIRST
HOLD THE BUTTONS FOR Reset for 30 40 sec
Then plug the rest of wires without powercord
Repeat hold buttons for 30 sec

Important !
After all
Press and hold reset buttons for 1-2 sec and connect the POWERCOrd While you hold them
After 5-10 sec you should see green light for reset mode

Whether you asking me to
Unplug the wires of Motherboard
And then to plug the wires again by holding and pressing the reset buttons ?
please conform the steps… Bcoz this time i have to be very careful again…

I unplugged the wires from Motherboard now… Next

I tried unplugging the wires from Motherboard and plugged the button panel wires first and press and hold reset buttons…
Then i plugged again rest of the wires again to motherboard then pressed and hold reset buttons again…

And then followed your reset buttons and plugging powerchord steps …
It displayed green color led light
But still picture is not displayed… even sony logo

No! No. :D
1 unplug any wires
2 plug in only buttons wire
3 hold buttons for reset (volume -)and power button at least 30-40 sec then release buttons
4 plug in rest of wires and after press and hold reset buttons again for 30-40 sec then. release buttons
And last
5 pres and hold power button and (volume -) FIrst and plug in powercord while continue hold the buttons

The Tv light should be ON in white color and after 3-8 sec should be change to green and release

Yes i tried those steps again…
Finally white led appears only 1-2 secs later Green led appears then Faded away…
hard luck🧐 …
I tried my level best… whether i have to unplug even “t con” board panel connection of Motherboard ?..
I’m tired of trying

Whether my T con board got any problems bcoz of this steps?

You found a solution?

I got the Same Problem. The Green light Turns Off after 2 Sec. and nothing Happens…