Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

Poor Jack. He was just looking for someone who shares his love of making fun of movies.

Never heard of the guy before now - I suppose I should be grateful.

Every time this thread gets bumped, I get to reread the Krang tweet and laugh all over again.

It’s like me as a teen telling my parents at the end of our vacation “I don’t know HOW that naughty movie charge ended up on our room’s bill! Maybe the guy in the room next door pointed his remote at the wall on accident and bought it from our TV? The hotel should really look into that…”

That is a really worthwhile read. Teenagers and young adults are easily manipulated and mislead, as true now as since the dawn of civilization.

Pictured above: literally every Republican.

“You guys seem normal, I don’t see a bunch of racists here.”

literally everything racist

That’s unfair. Most of them are still not “woke to the JQ” but are working toward it. One morning they’ll turn on the TV or radio, realize how much it will piss off the libtards, and embrace it.

And is it even the JQ anymore? I think I saw the phrase “Jewish Problem” recently. Do we have to throw away all of our JQ-related t-shirts and replace them with JP t-shirts? I fear that anti-semitism may become as commercialized as Christmas.

If they only realized that a bunch of Jews in the shmata business are making their fortunes off the anti-Semitic T-shirt sales…

It’s mostly the trans community who views her as a hero, and it’s for legitimate reasons- she did suffer some pretty serious torture from the military. I don’t see her that way, but I know some who do, and it’s largely for that reason.

Milo update, of a sort;

The backstory is even better:

God, that’s funny.

Couldn’t be happening to a more deserving person.

At first I was very perplexed why he wasn’t allowed to see those documents from discovery. After all, it seems to go against the spirit of allowing a fair trial by excluding evidence that could be used to support your case.

However it seems this is not the case. It is, apparently, financial documents that had been published in discovery, but ruled irrelevant to the case prior. Also, due to Milo’s intent to compete with S&S could financially harm them by exposing trade secrets. So yeah, suck it Milo.

There was also the theory going around he would use documents to dox people at S&S at one point.

Regardless, him trying to play the system and them not standing for his shit is glorious.

Yeah even our pond scum has rights, but as you said, he’s trying to pull a fast one and at least this part of the system seems to recognize that.

In 1939, 20,000 Americans rallied in New York’s Madison Square Garden to celebrate the rise of Nazism – an event largely forgotten from American history.