Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

Not sure what blows me away more; that anyone was allowed to bring weapons to the statue just a few days after what happened there, the way he’s allowed to casually load his AR into the back seat of the cop car, or what the cop says at the end.

And then he returned home to find even a Christian College in Florida had seen enough.

Let not thy meat offend, Christian boy.

Infinitely better with the Ken Burns voiceover.

That cop’s statement to the woman at the end? Yeah, that sounds like one of those bad apples we keep hearing about.

NYT Race Related: Sunday, August 20, 2017


I called Mr. Spencer to get a comment on the lawsuit filed against him by two sisters in Charlottesville, Va., who were injured last weekend when a man attending a white nationalist rally in support of a Confederate statue here rammed the back of their Toyota, killing Heather Heyer, 32. I expected to get his voicemail.

But he answered the phone.

Suddenly, I realized: I didn’t even know where to begin with a guy like that. So after dispensing of news items like the lawsuit and his quest to speak at public universities, I said the most honest thing that came to mind: “What is this all this about?”

“I want to change the world,” Mr. Spencer said. “I want to change people’s hearts and minds, changing how they think, how they speak. It’s about changing the conversation, about who we are.”

He acknowledged that his fame and fortune skyrocketed along with the rise of the President Trump.

“I am not obviously in it for the money, but, yeah, we have been able to raise six figures pretty consistently year over year,” he said. “Fund-raising has increased this year. There’s so much notoriety and feeling that we are breaking through.

“Clearly, we rose with Donald Trump. Why and exactly how that happened, that’s the tricky part to explain. I have come a long way personally in terms of recognition in the past two years. ‘Alt-right’ is a household term. Richard Spencer has become a household term. That’s not where I was in 2014, even though I’ve been doing this for a decade.”

Full read:

From a historical point of view, it’s almost convincing, even though what American blacks suffered under segregation was nothing compared to what liberalism has inflicted on them since the 1950s, as it destroyed their families, their schools, and their young men and women’s lives through drugs and guns and the gangster-rap culture “lifestyle,” which is really a death style.

Explaining White Nationalism’s Anti-statist Bedfellows

The appeal of white nationalism to libertarian anti-statists should not be surprising. After all, nationalist and revanchist movements have historically represented powerful tools for mobilizing secession and other forms of political resistance to “the state.” Their common cause is all the stronger in multicultural, liberal democracies where ethnic grievances can be called upon to portray “the state” less as a political compact between competing groups, and more as tyrannical sovereign infringing on some sub-group’s right to self-determination.

The influential anarcho-capitalist and “enemy of the state” himself, Murray Rothbard, spelled out the paleo-libertarian strategy of “right-wing populism” with perfect candor — more than two decades before the Trump presidential campaign executed it with astonishing success. By harnessing the white working class, Rothbard argued, a Pat Buchanan-style nominee could potentially “short-circuit the dominant media and intellectual elites,” “marginalize Bush conservatives” and create an opening to steal the Republican nomination. Once in power, Rothbard’s crypto-libertarian would then take to “dismantling the existing areas of State and elite rule” by slashing taxes, abolishing welfare, reversing the civil rights act, “unleashing” local police on crooks and vagrants, and enacting an “America First” foreign policy. Sound familiar?

Putin still offers subsidies to Russians who breed more.

My own personal opinion- I have no issues with memorializing Confederate soldiers as soldiers. It’s when it gets into memorializing the confederacy or glorifying it in any way that it’s wrong.

As long as those momuments don’t show any confederate memorabilia I’d be ok with letting those stay.

We also need to constantly show and teach how evil the Confederacy was- it needs to be on the moral equivalence level to Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, and history needs to teach that one of America’s biggest historical mistakes was not seeing radical reconstruction through.

There are some real demographic reasons for why this was put in place. Declining life expectancy combined with a plummeting birth rate was setting up Russia for a societal collapse. While Putin does a lot of awful, he/Russia needed to do something to encourage people to push the country towards replacement fertility levels.

Perfect opportunity for Putin to welcome America’s racist, misogynistic, homophones to immigrate to Russia. If the move was 100% subsidized I wonder how many would take him up on the offer.

“I feel very hurt, like this is not my America.” Ms. Stahl said, choking back sobs as she recalled how she had to authorize having a truck haul the monument away to storage early Wednesday.

Boo fucking hoo.

Yeah, it ain’t your america any more, lady.

Really doubt Russia would want the uneducated unwashed meth-addicted Americans though, they have enough problems with Krokodil users already. But if they instituted a draft of sorts, I guess the new arrivals could be used as conscript cannon fodder if the Russian federation ever decide to “liberate” the rest of the “russian-speaking” Ukraine or Georgia.

Your average red state American is of low military use. They only take the best of the best from there now.

Yeah, demographic crises are a thing, no? I’ve heard Japan has real issues in that department.

South Korea is also heading for trouble. Also China is going to have a huge problem and their one-child policy is going to bite them in the ass. They’ve basically cancelled the policy, but it’s too little too late.

What Trump, Bannon, and the anti-immigrant crowd don’t seem to realize is that maintaining or increasing our population is important for maintaining a healthy economy, which in turn allows us to maintain a strong military. Allowing the best and brightest from around the world to come to the US is a huge net win for us.

To them that means they need to be white, though. What can brownies offer our glorious lily-white country? Like Pat Buchanan said, surely the dominance of the British Empire shows the racial superiority that we have!

What does the dominance of the Mongol Empire show, though?

That walls don’t work?

Make China great again! Build the wall!