Neo Nazis and the Alt Right


Has since been deleted

Deleted because he misspelled ā€œheilā€, I guess.

Fucking weapons grade stupid.

Hey, if the heel fits ā€¦

This is a great way to screw with a Nazi march:

Haha, that Tuba, awesome :)

Those last two videos also showed another great thing - non-confrontational protest.

Okay, Adam wins the internet for today.

Edit: The thread before this drops is pretty great too.

Might explain donnieā€™s sympathies.

And Pat Buchanan weighs in with a ā€œpopulistā€ message:

Ha. So I suppose Chinaā€™s long-enduring empire was a sign of what? And Egypt? And Persia, what did their long empire signify? And and andā€“

Now with voiceover:

Itā€™s because he misspelled it multiple times

That Ken Burns style reveal shot takes the cake. I just about peed my pants. That just drained away a week of tension for me. Ha ha ha ha.

Good on Imani.