New American Godzilla Movie

I rewatched Cloverfield a few months ago. Weird whim. Wanted to see how it held up, as I only saw it in the theater.

Yeah, it sucks for all the aforementioned reasons. Fuck Jar Jar Abrams.

Godzilla v. Megalon was one of the first films I ever saw on a big screen, think it was at a drive-in.

I always loved sitting down on a Saturday catching a Godzilla movie. After reading Peacedog’s posts, I have to think that sitting down for a weekend long movie marathon with him would be an awesome time.

As I said in the Cloverfield thread, I believe they are deliberately unlikable. The film’s making a comment on how self obsessed, vapid, boring, and empty the lives of the 20 something’s it chronicles are.

For me, any monster movie but especially a Godzilla movie.

After reading Peacedog’s posts, I have to think that sitting down for a weekend long movie marathon with him would be an awesome time.

It would be! But also sad, in a way.

Encore Action is having a Godzilla marathon all day on New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day is a traditional college football extravaganza, one I rather enjoy. But Godzilla. . . I’ll probably end up watching more Godzilla than Football.

Wow me too…double feature with Simbad Eye of the Tiger at the Edgemere drive-in.

I grew up in the country. No cable. ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS. Later, Fox. Sometime in the 80s VCR expanded possibilities to everything that could physically fit in nearby rental places and would be popular enough for the locals to make stocking it economically feasible. And sometime in the 90s we got a satellite dish (the big giant kind that needed to be mounted on a tracking system so it could point at different satellites).

And now I have 414 titles in the Netflix queue, 5 of which are Godzilla related but, sadly, none are Godzilla versus Megalon.

Ha, I know that place, Shrewsbury right? Mine would have been Revere I think.

Official main trailer is out! Still looking awesome to me.

Why are there mountains in the background behind the statue of liberty? Oh, I guess that might be Vegas…

There are a lot of frankly unexpected elements in this trailer. Some I quite like (those weren’t nuclear tests, they were trying to kill it)… some of the effects look a little off/fake-ish. Other sequences look quite good. Apparently they’ve granted Godzilla some new abiltiies or… something. The parts with the fleet in SF bay or outside of the Golden Gate is… pretty cool.

Brian Cranston is not really summoning his Heisenberg voice and doesn’t sound very convincing in a voiceover though.

— Alan

edit: apparently there’s speculation you see hints of Rodan here?

There do seem to be some organic looking parts that don’t look very Godzilla-ish.

Godzilla in Vegas would be really…interesting. That’s kind of far inland. Maybe the finale is blowing up the Hoover Dam and washing Godzilla away. That sets up the sequel where Godzilla turns up in Lake Mohave during spring break.

Still no word about Godzuki???

That bit is actually pretty clever.

Gave me chills! I tell you, there should be an Oscar for best trailer. This movie might end up being terrible (I hope not) but the trailer makes it seem fantastic.

I am not sure whether my eyes have ever seen anything that has granted me more pleasure.

Looks like Rodan to me

It’s definitely Vegas. Just before the Statue of Liberty shot, there’s an aerial shot of the destroyed Strip. It’ll be interesting to see how Godzilla got there.

Vegas would make sense with all the desert shots, like the military convoy heading into that tunnel. Maybe in '54 they just knocked the big guy out and were somehow able to smuggle the cuddly little tyke out into the Nevada desert.

Yeah… I mean, these are definitely not indicative of Godzilla, but very bird/Rodan-like:

— Alan