New cast for Spider-man 4 and 5

Watching the Spidey movies after having seen Iron Man makes them look a lot worse than I remembered them.

FACT: Qt3 was so much better when we talked about university podia and the totally hot Freddie Prinz Jr.

Does your wife know you’re into him?

She’s more disturbed by my man-crush on Sawyer. Did you notice how he had a shirt on when he jumped from the helicopter, but by the time he got to the beach it was gone? That was for me.

At this point I think that rather than seeing movie after movie after movie, a Spiderman TV show would be pretty cool. Probably be done all WB-style, though.

As for villains, I’d love to see a proper Kingpin story. (he was Spiderman’s villain first! Daredevil stole him!)

The bad guy should be The Punisher. He was originally a Spidey villain too!

Bring on the Vulture !

A film version of Marvels would be pretty awesome.

Yeah, and speaking of Cloverfield, I thought that movie came close at times to capturing a similar perspective of larger-than-life events seen from a ground’s-eye-view.

Honestly … I’d like to see Spidey going after some non-super threat. Maybe taking down a ruthless drug cartel, breaking up an organized crime group. Let’s see how someone super handles some real, though still overwhelming, odds.

I’ve always wanted a superhero movie to do that. I don’t see why there always has to be a super villian lurking around, waiting for the final act. If I have one complaint about Iron Man, it would be that it really, really didn’t need to waste Obidiah in the first flick. The movie was doing a great job with Stark going around, destroying his weapons. The giant robot battle with Obidiah was a waste. I know it was only there because a big showdown with Superhero vs. Supervillian is expected - and it was a cool enough fight - but it didn’t really need to be there.

Spidey vs the Maggia?

Hahaha, holy shit the Maggia. I’d forgotten about those dudes.

It could be worse. It could be AIM.


Heh. Well, not actually having read much of the comics, I’m not really familiar with the Maggia - but I’m guessing they are a source of disdain.

But rehashing established lore is exactly what I’d rather not see. Since a good number of super movies result in a costume swap for the villain, maybe it’s time to try some alternative challenges.

There already is: a new TV series started this spring, set early in SM’s career.

I was a bit disappointed we never got a second season to MTV’s SM TV series: it had its warts and its CGI style was, shall we say, an acquired taste; but overall it was fast-paced and fun.

Ultimate Spider-man the animated series?

I’m not sure it takes an in-depth understanding of the comics to replace the two Gs with an F and get where Stan the Man was going with it.

Unless their name is Will.

That’s pretty clear, but I suspected there might be a point of ridicule from whatever crap storylines they’d taken part in.

I am sure I will eventually watch these movies, but how anyone can even pretend to defend the turgid piece of shit that was Spiderman 3 (and the worst performance of Tobey’s career) just baffles me. I don’t necessarily like nor support casting changes in series like this, so I think Tobey should stay. And the guy that plays Jameson. Fuck Kirsten Dunst right up her nasty snaggle tooth though. Good lord she’s awful.