Nintendo Switch

I read there are still dungeons, like one big one after an open area. Though it sounded more like a ‘gauntlet run’ than the full maze experience of old.

More concerning (to me) is that most reviews say the game has performance issues, and struggles to maintain a solid 30. Though they also say it looks great, and the issues don’t tank the experience.

Some decent discounts coming for Black Friday at retail. Including a return of the Mario Kart 8 bundle with the original Switch for $300. And $20 off a lot of first party titles.

Hopefully they’ll have a nice sale on the eShop as well.

Post impressions here or in one of the blobber threads if you do! I’m interested in it (although I have an embarassment of RPGs available right now).

It will happen there.
But I’m very busy with another RPG for a few dozen hours I am guessing for now — something nobody can relate to!

I couldn’t find a SMT V thread. Well, in case anyone gets Shin Megami Tensei V, the Japanese voices are on as separate DLC


The Japanese language option itself is parked away, for a sensible reason, I guess: this Atlus game is somehow published by Nintendo in the rest of the world.
Game is a freaking 100$ in Japan too, just a coincidence ;D

So is the easy easy difficulty mode ‘safety’, which is a step below ‘casual’. But no-one needs to download that, right? ;)

I mean, if Dungeon Encounters can have its own thread:

Well, I bought Undernauts/Yomi, and didn’t fire it up because of reasons I’ll detail in @lordkosc’s monthly thread in two weeks.
Because I am also quite stupid, I just bought the Switch version of Stranger in Sword City, which is sort of a prequel to it (as it’s been done by the same team).
Beyond the very easily skippable early wall of text, this is as snappy and cool a dungeon crawling experience can be. There are some idiosyncraties to get used to, but the game is brutal as I love them to be so far: you brutalize the enemy, it brutalizes you back!
Also beyond a weird opening track, and very LOUD default levels, the soundtrack kicks ass.
But the main thing I am enjoying is how snappy the game is. Really lovely.

Did you get the combo pack?

It’s the only one available actually, but I just ignored that other game I had never heard about and seemed anime as hell XD
The game is 40% off in the EU shop, should be soon in the US is my guess.

Ohhh a NIS RPG

It’s not. It’s Experience’s.

Ah, NIS is just the publisher.

Yes, but ah, speaking of NIS Dungeon Crawler, the sequel to the one with the weird name with the Witch just released in Japan.

Wait, Labyrinth of Refrain? I loved that RPG soooooo much. It made me cry.

Yes! That one.
I have yet to finish it, I just got drowned into tons and tons of stats of gears and suffocated 40 hours in!

I kinda want this, but I’ve got a backlog with Witcher 3 and Valykyria Chronicles just sitting here. I’m sure to go in on Shin Megami Tensei V at some point…

Valkyria Chronicles is fine to fiddle with, but you will probably get tired of it pretty quickly, and thus scratch it from your backlog!

I think I 100%-ed VC4.