Nioh 2 - Turn demons into loot again

Still playing this! Just did the mission with Kamaitachi as the boss and Jason Momoa as your sidekick. First boss I’ve done in one go! I couldn’t believe it.

DLC confirmed for the 30th.

This DLC kind of snuck out huh? Anyone try it out?

At my current rate of progress I’ll get to this one in 2025 or so.

I finished the DLC and I’m working through the next NG+.

My reaction has been kind of mixed. There’s a water level, which are always terrible. The bosses range from awesome to mediocre. The new weapon is like a ki-breaking kusarigama and that’s one of my least favorite weapons.

But even with the game at it’s worst, I’m really happy to play it.

So how does the new weapon integrate with the base game? If you buy the dlc do they start showing up immediately?

I think that’s how it worked in the first game.

I’m back on my tonfa bullshit. They just feel so good to me.

Some sort of hand-to-hand weapon.

Don’t think I care for the new weapon, I’ll get it up enough to level it but once I do I think I’m back to either switchgalive or splitstaff.

Also these new enemy ninjas can fuck right off, one hit kill charge move that can’t be oni countered.

I absolutely love the fists but I can’t see shit in 720p. So I just use the charge multi-kick and charge mega-punch for maximum laughs.

I laughed the first time that guy killed me with a bomb. Never change, Team Ninja. Literally.

No news yet on the PC version, right? It was originally announced to be coming in November, but I haven’t seen a release date or any further info as I’d expect if it were actually imminent.

Though with my failure to secure a new GPU, I might wind up playing on PS5 if the performance is unlocked and it scales up well.


Wait, fists?!

I’m likewise anticipating a performance & graphical bump, I’m holding off returning to this & the expansions for the PS5.

The Variable Movie Mode seems like the best candidate for this, from DF’s performance analysis…

The season pass is on sale for $14, and unable to resist the siren call of FISTS I grabbed it and played the first mission (started over) yesterday when I should have been playing Bloodborne. Feels awesome! Went much quicker and smoother than the first time I passed through, only died to Gozuki a couple times. Player knowledge seems to be relatively intact. I love the fists as a weapon; even better than tonfas.

How far did you make it last time? It’s generally not worth starting over in this game.

I still love the fists but damage is pretty terrible against bosses. I could try claws, which supposedly do more damage compared to the extra ki damage you get from fists. I don’t think it would matter much from my conservative playstyle. I like to dodge and then do some burst damage.

Probably not that far. Maybe the end of the second map area? I know I could have just changed everything about my current character, but I felt like starting from scratch.

All weapons are fun when they’re overpowered, but I think the fists might be the best of all. I’m running through some older missions to unlock NG+3 and it’s a never-ending display of light and sound. There’s a mystic art that reduces ki consumption for repeated strike attacks, so you almost never stop attacking.

In the same way, most weapons have some sort of ki-dump chain attack to shred enemies that can’t fight back for a few seconds. The fists version of this is my favorite: it pairs well with that ki-preserving mystic art, it has a small bit of forward movement to help you stay connected to the enemy, and there’s a fun acceleration to the attack that makes it extra satisfying to land for a long period of time.

Looks like free upgrade for Nioh 2 to PS5 if you own PS4 version with DLC. Nioh 1 looks like it needs a rebuy.

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