Nioh - Demo on PS4

One of the reasons it’s so good is there’s very little of it. The only time sink is the encyclopedia entries, which are too dull and confusing anyway.

Point of clarification: Do you mean Nioh or Nioh 2?

Just started this. I had apparently picked it up for PS+ and it was sitting in my backlog. Reading the Ninja Gaiden thread got me thinking about it, and this seems to have gotten positive impressions from the folks here.

Got past the intro Tower of London level and am about to start the story proper. Chose battle axe, double blade, and the wolf as my starting choices. Is this like Souls games where the starting choices don’t matter much? Or should I have put more thought into it. Anything I should know going in?

Pretty much, yeah. You can change everything later, and you should probably try other spirits and weapons to see what matches your playstyle better.

Yes. Nioh 2 is better in nearly every way, so once you finish Nioh, you know you’ll have an even better sequel to play. ;)

Are hammers considered part of the axe “class”? I picked axe because I like the choppy-choppy, but the hammer has the smashy-smashy.

Yes, indeed.

Mmm. I found a good hammer.


And now I lost it. Accidentally sold to a shrine apparently. I wish I didn’t have the DLC armor/weapons - I’d rather have to just rely on what I can find. And there doesn’t seem to be a way to get rid of them - at least not yet.

I’m stuck on the first boss. The one with the giant balls. I’ve only tried a couple of times though so I’m sure it’s just a matter of timing and watching his moves. I love that you can open a shortcut and go straight back to him.

I’m really enjoying the combat and the weapon variety. Also loving the level design so far.

Forgot to mention, I bought the complete version of this and NioH 2 for the PS5. They were on sale.

Don’t worry about the DLC stuff – they’ll be outclassed very shortly.


I just beat him tonight after getting my ass handed to me over and over. Key was to go low stance, wait for the overhead smash, dash in to hit his back then out before the spin attack. Just be patient and the attack pattern is actually quite easy.

Good job. This is the Dark Souls way to fight bosses. Once you’re comfortable with the system, you can move to the Nioh way: stance switching, breaking ki, etc.

The easiest way to get into this is to look for the basic ki damaging combo-enders, like the kick on the sword when pressing triangle at the end of a square combo.

Nioh seems to be free on Epic this week.


A free humbling.

Exploring the Tower of London. This is quite fun so far. And even the story is intriguing. Queen Victoria won against the Spanish Armada because of magic and Amrita!

No one else is going to join me in trying this free game? Come on people! It’s free! Install it!

I already did!

If I went back, I’d never get to any of my other games!


But you have my full moral support!

79 out of 79… That’s some fine work, Thraeg!

The Epic version apparently also has achievements, in case anyone was curious.