No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Actually, seems you start the game with the Artemis story, “Awakenings” so keep on it and you’ll get the manipulator. Or for the blueprint, you’d need a Vy’keen merchant as they sell the multi-tool techs.

It’s Atlas that kicks in a bit later after you make your first warp or two. Sorry. :)

The map is a bit of a pain to use at first. Think of it as operating in two modes - by default you’ll rotate and zoom around your selected system. If you ‘unselect’ that system you can then select a new one. It’s A (left mouse) to select a system, and B (right mouse) to unselect. Use D-pad L/R (Q/E) to change the navigation mode, though you’ll likely want to stick to the ‘mission’ pathing mode early on.

Get better shields and guns. ;)

They’re more likely to attack if you have high value cargo, so one old tip was to move that to your suit inventory where it won’t be detected.

You do get warning of incoming hostiles, and a viable early strategy is to run. You can also contact them and pay them off. :)