No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Okay, that was my take as well. I’d much rather just stock up on Sodium Nitrate than A) take up slots with protection modules and B) lug around all the different materials for them. What a pain in the ass.

I’d much prefer a passive system that upgraded hazard protection decay rates. As it is, I don’t see the use for the current system. Like you, I do have a Cold and Radiation protection but I just leave them empty.

If they charged themselves when not in use (even if super slowly (and then even if only during daylight)), they’d be much more useful. As is, I’m probably going to strip them out.

I have to visit one ridiculously hot planet that also has firestorms and the thermal protection means I don’t die trying to fire up a transmission tower, but outside of that the extra protection is empty almost all the time.

I have found the ramp to be extremely finicky to place. You can try using the terrain manipulator to lower the ground beneath it. I generally just move my door.

Face-melting scalding rain keeps the riff-raff off your paradise planets! Funnily enough a paradise planet I built a base on had this issue. 100ºC rain every 10-15 minutes and it lasts 2+ minutes long.

I ended up building another base on a temperate planet in a rich system. Still has scalding rain storms - and they’re hotter! But they come about 1/4 as often and last as little as a few seconds. And I can’t tell the difference between the paradise and temperate planet anyway.

Note that you’ll get a quest to survive an “extreme” environment for ~5 days. To do this you’ll definitely want those upgrades.

I find virtually no need for extra hazard protection. I do carry around some sodium just in case, but I never use it. I just don’t feel any need to wander around on foot for any great length of time. I take my ship almost everywhere. I too have some extra hazard protection plugins because I have all this space in my exosuit technology grid, but I’ve never recharged them. Once in a great while I might have to do some mining on an extreme world, and then I hop back in my ship to recharge. Of course you can also just dig a shallow hole with your terrain tool and recharge there. For the extreme environment quest I just flew around an extreme planet looking for depots to raid and factories to get blueprints from and I picked up the achievement during my time around those buildings.

Yup, that’s how I’ve been using it, and I guess the planet in question has extremely few big trading posts if any. I do think a mission sent me to one once because I took a screenshot through the scanner, but finding things by latitude and longitude is SUPER tedious because you can’t check your position while flying.

what’s the trick for using the exo-craft vehicles on other planets and away from your base? Do you need to craft their specific vehicle pads and then they appear and you can use them? Do you need to create a new base for that?

In my experience you have to craft a pad on each planet you want to use the vehicles on. You do not have to build a base however.

There should be a second category next to the mobile items on your default build menu.

Spent what little time I had to play this weekend making units and collecting blueprints. I linked three systems together into a nice little circular trade route that netted me about 30 million units in combined income. About one third of that was buying the most expensive trade item each system had (40-50 of them at a time) at the steeper planetside trading post discount, and then selling it (again at a trading post) in the next system. The other two thirds was buying Cactus-Star Bulbs-Solanium-Frost Crystals and crafting them into Circuit Boards for sale whenever a trading post would pay higher than 8% off the galactic average. I now have over 80mil units, and another run like that will give me more than enough to buy the mythical 48-slot fan-wing hauler, which I have yet to encounter.

I found a couple of planets in said systems with multiple operations/manufacturing centers, and collected 8 or 9 blueprints from raiding them. The biggest score was the blueprint for the Portable Reactor, a 5 mil unit item which is made from Liquid Explosive and Fusion Accelerant. All my other finds were more disappointing. Mostly alloys like Iridesite and Herox and low-level stuff like Nitrogen Salt. Since the economy changeover you can’t find anything but the most basic components on vendors, so you have to learn the progression of blueprints to make the expensive stuff. I also netted several exosuit slots thanks to visiting 3 new space stations and 3 or 4 drop pods while establishing the trade route.

I think rewards from quest givers and Polo may be broken. I swear the last half dozen quests I’ve turned in to both have resulted in the exact same “Life Support Upgrade Module B”. Even the stats were the same on the couple I checked. I sold them all for nanites to the exosuit vendor on the space station. It would be nice to get something else for a change though, like a reward I could actually use since I already have 2 S-class and 1 A-class upgrades. .

Polo request rewards suck. In fact, all quest rewards suck unless they are nanites or a trade good that is worth a lot of money.

Anyway, I am kind of done with this game. I have maxed out my suit, have an S class large fighter, and 1.6 billion (that is Billion with a B) units. I have no idea what there is to do. I do not have the best freighter. I do not have the one I have (and the one I have is currently bugged since changing to a new galaxy, I can not summon it). I found the constant fixing of frigates annoying and not worth the trouble.

The only other part I have seen I would want is an experimental multi-tool (which has good bonuses in mining and has a decent amount of slots). I have only ever seen one of these, and it was class B.

Is there any big thing I am missing in this game, as far as something interesting to do?

I both like and hate the game design. The grindy nature of the game is a huge turn off. The fact that planets all look the same after you have seen all the basic types. There is nothing cool over the horizon, its the same stuff you have seen after running around for 5 minutes.

Maybe in a few more years it will offer more content, or someone else will take the good parts and expand upon them and make a better game.

Wow! I’d say you’re done. If you’ve run through one or both of the main quest lines, amassed a billion unit fortune, built a cool base somewhere, picked up a decent freighter and a couple of fancy S-class ships to park on it, and explored a crapton of systems along the way, you’ve pretty much WON No Man’s Sky.

I mean, sure, you could try to max out all the faction achievements, but that’s just grinding for the sake of grinding. NMS isn’t an MMO, basically, when you’re had your fill of space exploration and achieved what you wanted to achieve, you’re done, at least until they add more major content.

Congrats! What’s next on the play list?

::digs through back of closet::

::pulls out ancient phrase::

::blows off thick layer of dust::

Can I have your stuff?


Yep, actually no storms. On the negative side, it’s got only “medium” resources, pretty much no caves, and maybe because it’s not in the richest system OR because it’s not especially close to the space station, there is very little on it in the way of infrastructure. I think I found one “real” big trading post with multiple platforms once (I was sent there to turn in a mission) but it wasn’t permanently marked (although I did take a screenie of it through the scanner*) so I haven’t been able to find it again, even flying around honking the economy scanner.

*they really need to give us a way to check our current coordinates planetside whether we’re on the ground or airborne. Theoretically if I could go to those coordinates again, that trading post would be there and I could set a base computer down there at least.

So. In my planetary system named Frank Zappa, there is a planet named George Duke. It is mostly water. When I go back to it to mine copper and cobalt, I sometimes have to island hop until I find the main continent, which has some kind of frost plant as well. Is the frost plant worth searching for? I even have a glove on my exosuit to harvest ‘stubborn’ plant life. The planet looks very Earthlike. Pine tree looking plants. Mountains and seas. If not for the low temperature I’d make it my home.

It was supposed to be graveyard keeper, but it seems that game needs more time in the oven. So instead, I am playing:

I am not sure how long that will hold me, probably not long enough for Brad’s new star control game which is in the middle of next month.

I loved the Etherlords games. I wish Nival would do an Etherlords 3 instead of crappy MMOs.

Frost Crystals (what you receive from harvesting those plants) are not valuable in terms of selling them to the market for units, but they are very valuable in terms of using them to craft items that can sell for 6 and 7 figures. Check out the link to the updated crafting tree in this Reddit thread for more information. You’ll need to raid planetary Manufacturing Plants and Operations Centers to gain the blueprints for most of the items on the chart.


I noticed the visual improvement to the space station starship technology merchant right away. It was weird before, when it was literally just an alien sitting in a chair in an empty kiosk. They didn’t even give the poor guy a computer terminal or anything. Now there is a whole starship bay behind him, with activity happening and some cool lighting effects. Much nicer!

I really wish they would do a polish pass. I’d like to view the galaxy map from anywhere. I’d like to be able to at lest hold down the Dpad to increase how many Frostbulbs I’m buying. Quest rewards are often, uh, underwhelming (I’m looking at you, armorer guy. WTF was that?). Just simple things like that.

Ugh that galaxy map. I vastly prefer Elites’