NWN2 - Recommended Addons

The game was barely playable on an 8800U before at 1920x1200, now it runs great, so they have come a long way.

Is there a way to tell which summoned creature belongs to which character? I’ll summon a few undead or elementals (one for each caster), then one of my summons will be killed…and I can’t tell who summoned it, so I can’t have them summon something new.

FWIW, I had a similar system when NWN 2 first came out (A64 3000+, 1GB, 6800GT) and I found it choppy, but playable; since then, they’ve improved performance significantly. As long as you don’t insist on all the bells `n whistles, you should be fine.

Does anyone know of a mod that removes the restrictions of scrolling around the game view? I hate having my view restricted when I want a character to move a long distance.

Thanks for listing these add ons. They help quite a bit. I have run into some issues with the AI mod though. It seems that with great power comes great responsibility to properly configure your companion’s behaviors. I had lots of problems with Khlegar switching to a crossbow when there are thieves just three steps away that he could decapitate with just one swing. I think I’ll handle the weapon-switching from now on, thanks.

This is unrelated, but just how evil is the thieves path in the OC? I’m playing a CG sorceror who probably wouldn’t like being the voice of authority, but if the other path is too evil, that would be a bit rough.

That split really is a law/chaos split. You can pull some things in the thief path that give evil points, iirc, but you don’t have to.

Sounds perfect. Thanks!

I’m pretty sure that as a thief you can be evil or good; Neeshka is neutral, and I think this has some things to do with that choice.

Dirty fog-of-war cheater. ;)

FYI, the latest version of Tony_K’s AI mod has been posted. There’s also a mod which lets you add OC companions to your MotB party.

There’s also updated MotB versions of Whatbrick’s character customization pack.

I want to get into this game but I’m really struggling with the interface and the camera. The camera seems to whip around me way too fast, and I will end up facing the wrong way (away from the action, for instance) and can’t get myself turned around for way too long. We installed a mod that makes the right mouse button behave like it does in WoW but I’m still having a hard time with it. Is it just me, or is there a mod that could help?
I’ve played NWN1 and never had a problem with the camera angles, that I remember.

Which camera mode are you using? There are three IIRC.

I prefer to use the strategic camera, for that Baldur’s Gate style of view. Unfortunately the camera locks to the vicinity around your party, unlike BG, and you can’t click on an area of the map to take a look at it.

I have found that some parts of the game the camera can get whacked out (I think the chase camera has some serious clipping issues), but if you hit the star (*) key several times it will reset it back to normal on your view type of choice.

I’ve tried all three. The “centered on character” mode seems to work the best - the others were just complete nightmares. But none of them work really well, especially indoors. It’s just a nightmare, I can barely handle it. Outdoors isn’t ideal but I can cope. The sliders for camera turn speed seem to do nothing.