Obamacare is the law of the land


Free beers tho!

To be fair, it looked pretty dumb at the time.

By the way, just this morning on NPR they were interviewing a Republican Congressman or Senator who kept harping on some court decision that supposedly mandated that the cost-sharing subsidies for individual ACA plans would end. WTF was he talking about (Willis)?

The ad is deadly serious, and no, there have been no tax cuts. As far as I know Congressman Valadeo hasn’t done squat, like the rest of the GOP.

I can’t find anything to support a court decision that would do that. Trump has threatened to end the subsidies a few times but then has always backed off.

It was Mike Rounds of South Dakota, and he basically said that there’s “a good possibility” that the CSRs “would be stopped” by the end of the year and that “the courts have already indicated that they’re not a legal form of payment.”
I wanna know what he’s smoking.

Didn’t the courts decide that the ACA subsidies were not a tax or a fee or something in a very early decision? And that decision made them legal, or am I thinking of the mandate?

Way to keep it classy as always, Donald.

Yes, the Senators that don’t want the shitty plan will vote to remove the filibuster so that plan can be enacted.

So what is the ultimate Republican plan? Get rid of the filibuster rule so they can enact whatever they want, and then use vote suppression and Russian election rigging to ensure they never lose their majority?

Steve Bannon told us way back when what the end goal was, destruction of the administrative state. And I have to hand it to them, they’re doing a hell of a job.

I can’t tell if L.Graham is really this stupid or trolling, or both?

“Who knew healthcare could be so hard” appears to be a fairly constant refrain.

There’s a reason why it took the Democrats pretty much right up until the 2010 midterms to get it done with a supermajority in the Senate and a strong majority in the House, and it still cost a whole lot of politicians their careers.

McConnell et al pledging to die on the hill of healthcare reform is the single moment when I realized that the GOP is literally evil and cannot be reasoned with.

Also grossly incompetent

Damn you for getting my hopes up.

Why won’t he just retire already? Is he not done working on the tasks assigned to him by Satan?