Occasional livestreaming [was Live streaming on YouTube and Twitch every Mon, Wed, and Fri at 6pm Pacific!]

Tom you watch Cherry Noble and you know you will be as horrified as myself… btw such excellent performances --especially by guys like the Russian soldiers… even Emma Watson… though her hair… please it seems radioactive.

Now I’m intrigued. Hermione is all the reasons I’ll watch this show.

I have seen Chernobyl , I can confirm Emma Watson is not in it.

I’m not even sure if we are being trolled, but this sounds like a great new Bond femme.

Happy TRIPLE ACTION Monday! Tonight our very own Tom Chick is streaming:

My Friend Pedro - STEAM LINK


Amid Evil - STEAM LINK

You can find the Twitch stream here.

You can find the non-night mode YouTube stream here.

And you can find the YouTube night mode stream here.

Voting for Request Wednesday is open so if you’d like Tom to stream a game that’s on Steam or that he owns on PS4, why not stop by and vote for what game Tom will stream on Wednesday. The winner will be picked tonight at 10pm eastern.

Not sure my heart can handle TRIPLE ACTION.

When I hear Triple Action I think of a pretty good game on the Intellivision console.

Fine --it was “Emily Watson” --who btw, did an outstanding job.

For me, Ape Out was clearly the winner of this stream. That’s a game I had zero interest in, and it made its way right into my wishlist after watching it. Besides the blasting soundtrack, the idea of the presentation to convey both style and the point of view of a confused animal was brilliant.

On the other side, Pedro looked like it was playing in slow motion. I thought that Tom’s gifs were much cooler than the game in actual motion.

Happy Request Wednesday!
Tonight our very own Tom Chick is streaming MAD MAX - Steam link.

Also the Steam Summer Sale is going on, hope everyone is enjoying the bargains!

You can find the Twitch stream here.

You can find the non-night mode YouTube stream here.

And you can find the YouTube night mode stream here.

Mad Max was a Request Wednesday winner. If you have a game that is on Steam or that Tom owns on the PS4 that you would like him to stream, you can leave a vote in the comments section of one of the videos he’s posted on YouTube or stop by the Monday or Friday stream and submit your vote in the chat.

Thanks again for playing Mad Max through to the end, Tom! I loved this game so much, but the ending still sticks in my craw.

Really? I kind of appreciated the bleakness of the game’s ending. Fits thematically as a “prequel” to Fury Road. I only use the scare quotes because I’m not sure how seriously we’re supposed to take the game as an actual prequel or sequel to anything.

Hey, thanks for voting for it! I didn’t realize how close I was to finishing. The ending didn’t bother me so much, since I mentally put Mad Max in a few different categories, kind of like someone might do with Batman or Thor or whatever. There’s the weird 70s cop avenging husband/dad Max, the seminal post-apocalyptic reluctant Western anti-hero Max, the dumbass kiddie matinee hero Max, and the buttoned up Max who graciously takes a back seat to the real hero in Fury Road. Add to that list my hobo Max who faffed about in a lovely open-world game with, hands-down, the best car combat ever created and a misshapen sidekick riding around in the back cackling like Walter Brennan. They all have slightly different stories, with different tones, and sometimes more-or-less different fates.

My own issue is that Avalanche couldn’t commit to the ending they’d written. Way to undercut any emotional impact, guys. :(


I was delighted how much of the look and feel of Fury Road they were able to incorporate. But couldn’t the videogame just as easily be the prequel to Road Warrior? It ends with Max getting the Interceptor that appears in both movies. I guess the clear influence of Fury Road suggests this is that Max instead of the 80s Max.


Oh sure, it fits in with about any of the movies probably, but I think it was marketed as a prequel to Fury Road, if I recall correctly.

Ah, that makes sense. That’s certainly how I would have sold it.

Actually, I like the idea that the videogame Max goes on to be the Fury Road Max. Naturally, he’s sort of subdued after the events of the videogame. He lost his awesome car, he lost his best buddy, and he failed to save the girl(s), so what’s left to but stop shaving, eat lizards, and – oops! – get captured and used as a bloodbag for one of the gangs?


So I missed the ending of the game that was played forever. Grrr…. I blame these criminals I represent!

Is that your opening line in the defense proceedings?

It’s Friday night and tonight Tom is streaming Steel Division 2 - Steam link


You can find the Twitch stream here.

You can find the non-night mode YouTube stream here.

And you can find the YouTube night mode stream here.

Voting for Request Wednesday is now open so if you’d like Tom to stream a game that’s on Steam or that he owns on PS4, why not stop by and vote for what game Tom will stream on Wednesday.