Old World (pka Ten Crowns) from Soren Johnson

You tease! ;)

Glad to hear progress is happening.

Here’s hoping it makes it out before At The Gates.

Why do we want this out before At the Gates? Hasn’t AtG been in development longer?

I believe the concern is that the length of At the Gates prior development is indicative of the pace of its future development.

Remember how long we had to wait for Offworld Trading Company to come out?


It was worth the wait.

My strategy is to convince myself the game sucks when it isn’t available, and then have the surprise of a lifetime when I get to play it on release.
May have worked only with OTC, though.

I’m really eager to see what is cooking.

If anyone is interested in being part of the closed beta, let me know. Be aware that this is only for dedicated playtesters as there are currently no victory conditions or even much of an AI, so don’t expect to have any fun. Fair warning!

Can you sign @tomchick up? He is definitely opposed to fun.

@SorenJohnson, please sign me up as ‘interested’! I have also beta tested enough that I know what I’m getting myself in for.

I’d also be interested in getting into the beta. I’ve done a ton of testing on tbs and war games over the years, lately mostly for Slitherine/Matrix

I’d be very interested.

I would be interested in beta-testing as well.

Zomg, i’m so there if it’s an option.

I think is very awesome of Soren to ask for testers on this forum. It make me feel like at the center of a teogenesys event. Of something. I hope the testers have fun and help make a awesome game.

I’m hoping it’s good, because I’ve largely lost interest in the 4x as a genre, thanks to Paradox. But if there is one person I think has the ability to kindle the interest, it’s Soren. And he name checks the very games responsible for my waning interest in the genre.

I’m optimistic :)

Same thoughts here, Craig!

Has there been any news about how the Starbreeze nonsense is going to affect this?