Old World (pka Ten Crowns) from Soren Johnson

Quote please! For those of us who won’t read the article.


So the human history span of Civ (including Empire Earth) always overwhelmed me but I’ve also joked in the past that ‘You know why ‘just one more turn’ is a thing? Because so little happens each turn’, and yet, it’s rare I finish a 4X campaign before the sprawl and busywork eventually gets to me.

I loved Through The Ages because every turn was dense with activity, decisions and possibilities, and the ages made the game more digestible. It’s a different and more abstract beast, I know, but the turn orders system in Old World reminds me of it: by limiting how much you can do, it gives every action more weight. I really like that simple twist.

> Old World may never end up in a title fight for the 4X crown with Civilization


Oh, so just a bit of preview puffery. From Layla’s “never say never”, I thought by not reading the article I was missing out on some cool feature that hadn’t been taken off the table yet!


I figured it was a Steam reference, but nothing in the article hinted of that.

I thought it was about charging micro-transactions for extra turns like Farmville.

If I was the business manager for Mohawk, I’d totally do this. A $1 for 10 orders, $2 for 25 orders, and $5 for 100 orders, that never expire. .I would have paid :-).

No, you sell a DLC hero that allows extra orders. This is the way.

That’s not a bad idea, but you’d take flak for lack of content. The problem with DLC is you are limited only making $10-20 per DLC. Even loyal EU IV customer probably have spent no more than couple hundred over their lifetime… . Microtransaction is how you can make many thousands of dollars from game addicts. IIRC, Soren did have a brief stint at Zynga.

He did, but it looks like he didn’t master the dark art of abusing microtransactions.

Well he says he got the idea of orders from online facebook type games, except that in a zynga type game the customer would have to pay for each batch of orders.

So it’s less a case of “didn’t master” so much as it is a case of “refused to sell his soul.”


Yes, that was the joke that was being made.

Yup, when people complain about game company XYZ being evil, often with good reason, my comparison point is always Zynga. I mean their pricing and addictive nature of the games, gives tobacco companies competition in the evil department.

As far as I’m concerned the order system for Old World is possibly the only good thing that’s ever come out of the place.



Wrapped up my latest game of EUIV just in time for Old World tomorrow. Which does make me wonder what’s meant by 1st July. It might be ready to play before work, might not be until after I’ve gone to bed. Stupid time zones.

I’m not going to pester anyone about that though as I know how busy launch day can be. In case anyone on the team is reading this, I hope the release goes as smoothly as possible!

It’s available to play right now. So no need to worry about launch times.

And the worst bump award goes to…
Damn, to me, now, I guess :O

The full release version or just the existing early access?

Do you mean they have the release version available on their beta branch or do you just mean the early access version?

Edit: excellent crossposting.

Sorry, to clarify I meant the Early Access version. But the Early Access version gets patched every single week, sometimes multiple times a week. It seems the gap between the Early Access and Release versions is going to be maybe a few small adjustments here and there? Even the last EA patch a few days ago had very little in it. Seemed like they were locking down for release.

Apologies for the lack of clarity in my previous post.