OnePlus One: anyone getting one?

Ok I give up, you win One Plus one. Anyone have an extra invite? I feel dirty just asking…but I need a new phone and the one plus one seems pretty nice. If I get one i’ll PM all my invites here. Is that how it works? Everyone who gets one also gets a few invites?

In theory. But none have showed up in the 3 weeks I’ve owned mine.

Here is what it says under my account:

No invites to share. Once you have purchased a phone you will be assigned sharable invites as we have stock available. Please note that it will happen randomly, not a specific amount of time after buying. You will receive an email when sharable invites are assigned to you.

So it seems like it’s pretty random. If I get one though, I’ll gladly share it Exactive.

Very nice, thanks! I’m also keeping my eye on the Moto X+1. I bought a LTE Moto G for my daughter and it’s surprisingly good for the price. Can’t beat T-mobiles prepaid plan. 30/month for 4 GB data,unlimited txt and 110 minutes talk. Might get that for myself…I rarely use voice these days anyway

I got the white Nillkin case, and the black and red Diztronic TPU cases.

I’m getting one! (Thanks, work friend!) My order has been placed today, so should be arriving next week.

I almost bought the flip case. Has anyone ever owned a flip case for their phone? Are they awkward?

I knew a friend who had one, I always found it very awkward when I borrowed his phone. It makes it like a giant checkbook.

Kao I highly highly recommend you get the Orzly screen protector too

Haven’t owned a flip case since the Sena leather cases or krusell clip ones for Palm pilots…

Just got an email that my OnePlus One has shipped. Yay! They sent me a USPS tracking number which should be active in 24 hours. I wonder where they’re shipping it from?

CA probably. Mine shipped from LA.

Be sure to update to latest OTA and then Root and install custom recovery first thing before an apps or user data.

Noob android question…Does doing this really give you functionality you use everyday or do you do it because you can?

Functionality every single day. Full device Nandroid backup with Titanium Backup Root and full device Adblock Plus.

Better to do it at beginning since rooting involved wiping. If you change your mind and want to root later, you would have to wipe everything.

Is this the guide to use? The guide is for noobs to root, install custom recovery, unlock bootloader.

This is a nice GUI

I’m guessing you mean this? Still not sure what you mean though.

So I use the new phone’s browser to come to this thread, go to the GUI version you linked to, download that zip file, and it will self extract on the phone? Or download it to my PC first? The page doesn’t say. Anyway, I can probably figure that part out.

Then on the GUI, I press the “Enter fastboot/recovery mode” button, then the “unlock Bootloader” (Method1) button. Anything else? That will install the custom recovery that you’re talking about? Then I go look for full device Adblock somewhere, I’m assuming?

The phone should be here tomorrow afternoon. It just arrived in Kansas City 30 minutes ago according to the tracking number.

OTA = get the updates over the air from OnePlus directly on the iphone itself

I’ll go over an overview of what to do tomorrow!

Adblock Plus for rooted devices is right from

I’m really torn about spending so much effort on a smart phone. On one hand it sounds fun, but on the other hand I really have other things I should be doing too. I take it it gets to be a hobby at some point…

The part I’m concerned about is that when I’m browsing using firefox, certain webpages just don’t work. And I go through my list of things. Temporarily allow all scripts on this page. Hmmm, still doesn’t work. Check to see if any new scripts showed up I need to temporarily enable? Enable them. Still doesn’t work. Try disabling Adblock. Hey! The page works now! So I have a full device adblock running, maybe that problem won’t be restricted to browsers. Trying to run a free app that relies on ad revenue? Won’t work? Maybe try disabling adblock? Not sure it’s an extra step that’s worth it or not.

On the other hand, ads are a lot more annoying on phones than they are on the PC. So I am tempted just because of that. Plus on my old phone, ads really slowed my phone down.

Plus what Exactive said. Though when I followed instructions to root the Nook HD+ I bought for my wife, it was pretty painless and totally worth it, because I was then able to install any of the Humble Bundle for Android games I bought on her tablet, and a lot of them run much better on her tablet than on my phone.

In this case though, I can already install most things without any kind of rooting/bootloading, so it’s not clear whether this extra effort will be worth it.