Ori and the Blind Forest

I only played Hollow Knight to the second boss or so, but I didn’t really get the appeal of that one. Ori has it’s story to follow, I don’t think Hollow Knight has one (but I could be wrong, maybe one reveals itself later in the game). In Ori if I beat a tough part, it’s really satisfying and trying itself was fun. In Hollow Knight, I never had fun trying, so when I finally beat a difficult part all I feel is relief, not satisfaction. Which is why I stopped playing. I’m not sure why exactly.

I played Ori to the end. I think a lot of it is spectacular (in a very literal sense–a spectacle!). I do think the two games tell their stories differently, or tell different kinds of stories. Hollow Knight is really about fleshing out a setting, through impressions and suggestions. Ori builds out some more explicit plot beats (but does so silently, if I remember right). I certainly am not trying to tell anyone which one to prefer, only explain some of the speed bumps in the design that I hit when I played Ori.

I did get past it, byMaking a save point after I collected each stone, but still think that’s the end for me.

So is nobody playing the sequel? I still need to finish the original first, but I’m surprised at the lack of commentary, especially with it being on Gamepass.

It doesn’t come out till next year. The Gamepass install is a total lie. It just gives you an icon that tells you to wait till next year.

On top of not being out, it got delayed again recently, this time from March 2020 to April 2020.

You’re off by a month – March 11 is the release date.

Oh right, February to March delay, not March to April. Got it. Sorry.

The studio is working on an ARPG next. Cool!


I’ll check out anything by this studio. I hope they do a good job with that genre.

Wholly agreed.

This game is pretty great, why didn’t anyone say anything, I’d of played it sooner. :P

Sigh, the game was cool until you discovered it. Now it’s like watching your mom twerk.

Whaaat? I thought you knew about all the great games? How did you miss this?

We said that a thousand times but you weren’t listening. And now it’s our fault??!??

Just got double jump, but am dying so freaking much, and I keep forgetting to save.

Temptation to drop it down to easy mode is growing.

I’m playing this for the first time and I like it but don’t love it. It’s pretty, but at times the effects obscure what’s happening (everything’s a bright glowing burst), and other times the foreground blocks the view of enemies. I enjoy this type of platforming (Celeste was great, and so far, harder than this, so I don’t object to the difficulty), but Ori’s movements are just a little too floaty and imprecise. I have other really pedantic complaints: I don’t like that when you’re hit, your green life blips don’t update immediately, but slowly empty like a progress bar. It also feels like a weird choice in a punishing platform to represent your life as distinct orbs (three to start, plus more when you find them in the world), but many enemies and hazards knock off more than one blip at once. At the start, one mistake meant one life orb lost, and I just expected the challenge of the situations to ramp up, not the damage done. That’s just a design choice I have a weird problem with, not an objective problem, but oh well.

I like “metroidvanias” in general. I like this one enough to keep going (I’m as far as unlocking wall running).

How many of my weird quirks are present in Will of the Wisps? Is it more of the same, or do they change up anything dramatic?

Finished last night at about 9 hours. 400 or so deaths. Got all the power ups, but didn’t quite 100% the map.

My impressions above held up throughout, the imprecise style of the art direction was a constant source of minor frustration for a platformer that demanded precise movements.

I guess I’m going to look up some YouTube playthroughs of Will of the Wisps to try to get a sense of whether it’s a meaningful improvement or more of the same. I’m on the fence about whether I want to jump into that.

It’s mostly more of the same with slightly improved combat, they switch to more of a melee/combo model.

Probably worth a short break either way.

I see it’s on sale on Steam, but I’d really rather play on the Switch so I’ll at least wait for a future sale on that version.