Out of the Park Baseball 22: Take Me Out to the (Digital) Ballgame once more!

Even though I’m only about 5 players away from getting him for free, I grabbed Rusty Greer for 1500. He was a huuuuge upgrade on offense but did come at a slight defensive cost. Those were the only two players I came across that gave me a good enough bump in play for a reasonable cost. Everyone else I looked at as I scrolled down the sheet was super pricey.

This sheet is very useful. I asked, and apparently the author (YourKidnies) has access to OOTP’s hidden BABIP rating, which we ordinary mortals could derive from viewable ratings. He says he’s not using a dataset of actual games, but instead predicting outcomes. Well, his predictions for my players are spot-on.

Also, now that I’ve filled in all my hitters, the sheet automatically generates a sorted list of hitting prowess vL and vR, along with baserunning stats. It may not be perfect, but it certainly is eye-opening. I’m going to adjust my lineup accordingly.

And yes, 2 of my 3 key positions flunk the defensive sanity check for range.

Can you briefly go over the various categories for a non-baseball nerd, please? Most I get, but some are just…Bendex?

Sure. I think “Bendex” is just the author’s made-up term for his index, or ranking, of players. In fact he uses Bendex in two different senses. Sometimes it is a ranking of players, where 1 is best and higher is worse. There’s an overall Bendex rating, as well as vs L and vs R Bendex ratings for hitters.

The second sense of Bendex is in the rightmost column (in caps on one of the sheets). It is his version of the OVR rating for the card, but scaled to 128 for some reason. In that case, higher is better. Yes, he should have named it something else.

wOBA is his preferred stat for batting skill, and I share his preference. Short answer: .320 wOBA is average; more is better. Long answer: It’s weighed on-base average. Sort of like on-base-percentage, but adjusted for more valuable hits, like extra-base hits, and more accurate than slugging percentage (which assumes that a double = 2 x single, when in fact a double is worth more like 1.7 singles.)

I assume you know batting average. No need to worry about on-base percentage or slugging percentage if you rely on wOBA. No need to worry about BABIP either. BABIP is batting average for balls in play. Essentially it asks how often non-homers are hits. Average is about .300. Higher is better.

FIP, or fielding independent pitching, asks how a pitcher does separate from the fielding skill of his players. It’s a measure of homers, walks, strikeouts – non-fielding plays. It’s on the same scale as ERA, so anything under 3.00 is great.

I don’t have the issue with the spreadsheet working when I save a copy, not sure what was going on there.

It certainly is fun to play with that spreadsheet. I have said unironically that about half of the time I played OOTP last year was spent fiddling around in a spreadsheet.

Oh yeah, don’t forget, Bendex is an offense only rating; it doesn’t take defense into account, and for some positions that’s pretty important.

I realize now that the team I lost to in round one was the runner-up, made it all the way to finals. So that’s my excuse.

Excellent! I thought it might be something like that. Thanks for all the explanations and what to really focus on (wOBA). Super helpful.

HAHA! It’s only been 4 games, but already Greer and Grace are crushing the rest of my team in terms of batting.

That might be because of the true outcomes. If the power is high enough fewer balls are in play because they have turned into HRs. BABIP is hits/balls in play. More homeruns subtracts equally from the numerator and denominator and lowers the percentage.

Twitch about to go live.

Edit: or not. It lasted long enough for me to get a drop then ended. Oooooo K

I’ve been fiddling with my bronze tournament data in excel, and trying to learn excel at the same time. I have a pivot table with stats, and I’d like to connect the some of the card data to that so I can see some of the player’s ratings next to the stats, but still working that out.

What I did get done, was at least helpful enough to let me grab a number of players before the streams this week started jacking the prices up on the bronze players.

I need to update my tournament table with yesterday and today, but I was over 100 packs through Wednesday, which is great for me. I imagine I opened more over the course of ootp20, but this is well beyond the rate I’m used to. :)

Looks like he is back up. At least Dish is streaming now.

You’ve won 100 packs from tournaments, @vyshka?! Color me impressed!

Yes, the stream has been working for me. Two drops so far.

Stream started again. Almost to my fourth pack.

Thanks. It isn’t as impressive when you consider it is 3 teams and they’ve been constantly running tournaments. My last tally was 118 packs from 194 tournaments.

It seems to me that generating packs like this is much better than dumping PP on them. Then I can sell off things I pull to generate more PP. The team that sold Frisch had a couple other smaller cards sold on the AH which probably generated another 50k. I don’t want to put actual money in so this is my strategy for the time being.

I’ve been watching some of the streams DRC did with top folks from ootp21 and the things people do at the top with AH speculation and all sorts of stuff is insane.

DRC and his guests already “know” most of the PT22 cards by sight – what’s good, what’s bad, etc. Amazing.

So do you have 3 different twitch accounts, one for each PT account? If I do start playing my other two PT accounts actively, I’ll be bummed if they aren’t generating twitch drops!

No, I just have one team getting twitch drops. I was thinking it would just be noise compared to the what the teams are getting from the tournaments, but twitch is telling me I already have received 40 packs.

@Charlatan do you know if the Future Legend cards have a use in missions or anything. I’ve been pulling a few and selling them for decent pp, but don’t know if I should be holding on to them.

Heh. I’d probably go insane trying to tie 3 devices to three twitch accounts.

I’m only entering a handful of tournaments a day, and I win only rarely. Always PP so far, never packs. I guess I should look for some with pack rewards.

Yeah, I don’t know how long I will be able to keep 3 teams up and running. It already gets confusing about which team has what.

@Spock I might try running my bronze team in one of the bronze PP tournaments to see how it does there. I’d love to win some of these special edition cards they are rewarding in tournaments, but I imagine those are tough cookies to crack.

Are we capped with 5 packs a night on twitch? I’ve got 5 but not sure I’m progressing now.

Yes, it is capped at 5/day. @Spock I’m really going to have a problem when OOTP Go is released this year. Having access on the phone and tablet will not be healthy.