Outriders - Square Enix colonizes space

FFS. I usually don’t have the backlog issue many talk about because few games really click with me but right now I’m completely obsessed with Nioh 2 and I’ve got Valheim waiting in the wings that I really want to dive into. This game has been on my radar since last year and I was really hoping to play it over the holidays but then it got delayed. And here we are about a month from release? I need to get crackin’ on these games lest the dreaded backlog gets me.

Oh yeah? Can you give some impressions, then? Guessing they were positive since you are leaning toward getting it day one, but is it as fun as it looks?

Really hyped to play this one especially now that it is confirmed ME3 remake has no multiplayer. Love me some tactical coop which I hope this tickles.

I don’t think I would be violating any NDA by saying that I feel pretty positive about the experience. I didn’t get to play as much as I would have liked, so I’m looking forward to the demo.

I’m pretty stoked for this and the outlaw game, just wish they had not been squished together with the delays.

Outlaw game? Which is that?


Thanks looks good

Here’s a shorter video:

That’s a pretty impressive demo with all the things you can see/do. But I have to question the “kill to heal” mechanic. That sounds like it could screw you in certain situations. But I’ll give it a shot and see.

Well, the intent is that they wanted players to be aggressive and not just duck behind cover when you get into trouble, like you might in something like Destiny. If you watched the video above (the longer one), you will not they suggest having at least one defensive ability. That might be the point, so you can stand in long enough to recover health. So, for instance, I know the trickster class can slow time, which can let them get into make and take some guys out.

We will see how it works in practice. I already know I’m going to end up as a technomancer

My favorite class in Conan the MMO was this kind of healer - A frontline healer, that got health back by hitting the enemy - it was glorious!

This game looks really impressive and interesting! Thanks for letting me know the demo it up today!

Well this had me as well.
I rarely play demos (I don’t know why so don’t ask) but this is getting a try tonight! Hopes up, mid-high.

To me in looks like sci-fi version of The Division, I’m not sure whether that it good or bad.

Well, I love The Division as well so it doesn’t have me less interested! :)

I think it’s faster paced than division along with powers as well. Apparently a lot of customizing weapons, armor and skills as well. Lots of depth to it.

The Division has powers, they just call them gadgets.

I wish that MMO had done better / been better. I loved the Tempest of Set myself. A healer with high damage but mana intensive nukes, but the nukes tended to regain mana based on how many creatures you hit with the blast. So not very mana efficient against single targets but great against groups. Of course, surviving multiple angry mobs was a challenge because you weren’t the most durable so it led to a lot of fun times. The mechanics were always pushing me to bite off just a little more than I could chew and struggling to stay right on the very edge of pulling too much.

Just finished downloading, will be streaming this in a few minutes. hope it’s as good as it looks

The cutscene camera is going to make me sick

Edit: and servers down and not available