Paranormal Activity

Finally got to see this last night. Quite good.

Re: Shakycam, yes, especially in the beginning. I think it settles down later, or maybe I just adjusted to it.

And we made it through Cloverfield at home by watching it on our small upstairs TV.

Oh, watch it on your little TV upstairs. With the lights out. :)

finally seeing this tonight at walter reade theater in nyc.

will report back after

They got their 1M demands, and have announced that it’ll now have a “wide” release this month.

Shaky cam was not a problem for me in this movie. They figured out a way to get the same realistic handheld thing going as in Blair Witch and Cloverfield, while at the same time keeping the image relatively steady and viewable. Plus, none of the big moments depend on swirling camera movement.

I think even people sensitive to shaky cam will be okay with this movie.

This was much less scary than I was hoping for. I blame the full theater. If you want to be scared, I suggest waiting until the crowds thin out or it comes out on DVD. It was impossible for the necessary tension to build when there were so many shrieking teenage girls and “HURRR I’m so tough, this isn’t scary!” teenage boys in the audience.

For me, the shrieking wasn’t too much of an issue… but the guys treating it like an MST3K film deserve to be beaten.

For me, the shrieking wasn’t too much of an issue… but the guys treating it like an MST3K film deserve to be beaten.

It comes up time and time again but watching movies in the theater sucks. It’s a rare movie that requires a bunch of strangers to be in the room to be enjoyable.

That’s too bad, the theater we saw it in I couldn’t even open my snacks. That’s because everyone was so quiet(and the movie has no conventional soundtrack) that there were no convenient loud moments that would cover the crinkling of the wrapper. I tried a couple of times and finally gave up, I just couldn’t disturb the…disturbingness of it all.

Yeah I wish I had seen it alone at home. The theater I went to (at Fenway in Boston) was packed with teenage douchebags who would not shut the fuck up.

I will admit I laughed when the dickhead sitting next to me, who was shouting through the entire movie, jumped out of his chair and fled the theater after a particular scene.

Wow, I got lucky. In Seattle, the audience was totally into it, gasping, shrieking at the right times (not at stupid times), and no unrelated talking or “I’m-so-tough”-ing going on. Midnight showings are good like that; you have to be a little dedicated.

The shrieks were in the appropriate places (though some started a bit prematurely) and there wasn’t a huge amount of posturing going on. I have a low tolerance for it with scary movies though. It really takes me out of the moment.

We saw it over the weekend. Our crowd was decent, though one girl down the row from us burst into tears toward the end of the film. Really, really enjoyed this. It’s amazing what they pulled off for $11,000.

we had a few screams in our audience. it was a great theater experience

Heh, there was a teenage guy sitting next to me with his girlfriend, but he was pretty much cowering through the whole movie. At one part near the end, he turns to me wide-eyed and asks “Aren’t you scared??”. After it ended, he asked me if I thought the movie was real. I told him “Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure it is”. Then he’s like “Ohhh man I wish you didn’t say that”.

The crowd I saw it with (midnight) was pretty good, even with a lot of teens in the audience. The most annoying person was the girl who was completely freaking out during every slightly scary scene. “Ohmygodomygodd noooooooooo”.

i normally have no issue sleeping after seeing whatever, but this film just got under my skin and i didn’t sleep until like 2 am last night.

I had trouble getting to sleep the night after I saw it as well. For some reason, it went away fairly quickly though. I was fine the next night. I had about a week of bad sleep after seeing the first Saw movie…

I’m about to see this tomorrow, I hear it’s really frightening.

re: Blair Witch, I heard the hype and dismissed it and never got around to seeing it in theaters, big mistake. Saw it at home and I loved every minute, and yes, I was utterly terrified.

I saw it last night and I thought it was great. It’s refreshing to see a horror movie that actually relies on a slow build and suspense opposed to gore. The theater did have the annoying teenagers, who chose to make inane comments at the most suspensful parts. But this was balanced by those that gasped and for the most part intensified the mood.

I cannot stand shakycam and this movie didn’t bother me one bit, though the first 30 seconds or so did worry me. In my opinion it is a thousand times better than Blair Witch, which I think is terrible on so many levels. It has a fantastic final moment, but the rest of the film is dreadful. I much prefered Paranormal Activity.

Reboot time!