Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Yeah, I have no options for doing anything with it.

OK, thanks. I was hoping something didn’t get screwed up on my end.

They seem to still be doing something on the back end, earlier I had a pre-load button and could download 48GB (well, it would have been closer to 28-32, I suppose) but didn’t as I was at work at the time. When I got home for lunch it was a 0kb download, so I figured I’d wait. Now the button is gone completely, I think I’m okay with that - it’s probably going to be faster to just download the game when it goes live* than wait for it to decrypt.

*I say that but the last few days I’ve had like a 7-9MB/s connection speed downloading Steam games, even though I have a gig internet connection and can get test speeds at 750-850Mb/s even while Steam struggles to break 7MB/s? I tried changing my download server to another one near me but no joy.

My connection here in France seems to be a little flaky. It has gotten over 10 MB / sec, but then it drops to 0, then speeds back up. I wonder if I need to reboot the modem / router.

Man, a GB internet connection would be awesome. At home I only have 60 MB.

Wow. How much of that is deletable cutscene guff vs actual content you need to play the game you reckon?

The pre-load ended being janky I think - you get reports of some folks being told it’s 80GB and others it’s 64KB, and now the pre-load button is gone completely. No idea.

The official requirements list 30GB of free space, so it’s probably in reality an 18-20GB download and will take up about 28GB of space on your drive, much of which is probably art and animations, I’d imagine. The beta was around 14GB, iirc.

Cheers :) Sorry to be a grump. I will get the game. Just get annoyed at bloated download sizes. Some games literally download hi def tutorial videos which makes me rage so much :)

Very interesting talk re: POE vs D&D (older IE games) and D&D-like.

I tend to agree with @stusser that there was a regression with the ability of the AI in POE to help with the micro without removing the interest. Some basic reactive behaviours like those in BG1 were very helpful. POE2 is way better in that regard and came with a behaviour editor with quite some features. That’s great for power users, who will RTFM and learn how to craft behaviours that suit them, but doesn’t quite solve the problem for the average user, that lacks the time or the interest to program them.

While the vibes around this game seem good, I think I will follow @tom_chick advice and look at how this game comes out for release. Beta backers like @Scotch_Lufkin I understand have only experience of a 6 month-old build, and that may or not be a lot of time for a game to change quite radically, for either the worse or the better.

I expect full, detailed analysis and testing by the time I get home from work tomorrow, Scott. This includes every spell and feat, active or passive, in the game, along with commentary on all drops.

LOL well, I’ll do what I can. :)

Yes, I want videos for every class and prestige class plz so I know what to play. :p

Console ports are the worst for this.

Like Nioh. 80 GB. For no reason whatsoever.

Or any Final Fantasy port, which is usually in the same ballpark (I think XIII is like 70 or 80).

20.9 gb download, preload is now working

I played the beta as well. It looks like it will play well. So many options and a good engine (we used to say that in the day).

My wonder is that it will be a full game tomorrow. I am betting they’ll patch it for the next few weeks in a furry of “I hope it will sell well so lets get to it”

Pretty standard Realtime party rpg… with a lotta details. And if you think I am being negative thing again: I hope they have it down.

So regarding pre-loading issues. If I thought I successfully preloaded early this afternoon, should I delete it and try downloading it again, or am I probably okay?

If I were you, I’d blow it completely away and either do it again or skip pre-loading if you have a decent connection speed and download it post-launch and avoid the decryption stuff. I’m skipping pre-loading, myself, just in case.

I downloaded the preload quickly. It says it was 20.9 GB.

Now that it’s in my Steam library, all I can do is stare at it. It’s got its Taunt skill working. Or Mesmerize, or something.

I’m thinking of going Ranger, but the problem I always run into in DnD 3rd Edition with Rangers is I never know what to choose for Favored Enemies. I feel like that’s not something you know how to make a good choice on until after you get a good feel for the world and what sort of enemies you’re likely to run into. Any thoughts?

Awesome. I literally lol’ed when I read this. So true.

Two quick notes: there are more enemy types in Pathfinder IIRC, but never mind that . And I can’t recall if D&D did this in 3.5 or not, but in Pathfinder at each new favored enemy choice level you pick a new set of favored enemies and choose which if your previous choices gets a +2. I seem to recall it being more flexible in Pathfinder, but I haven’t looked at 3.5 in ages.

People who have played the table top might be able to chime in with some advice as well.

Frequently encountered enemy types: Human, Undead, Magical Beasts

Still very good, higher level typically: Evil Outsiders (there are many more of these in Pathfinder I feel like)

A bit more campaign specific: dragons, aberrations

I kinda doubt this choice: extra-planar

The good low level choices, e.g. Gnoll/Goblin/Orc, are often very campaign specific. And I can’t speak to this campaign.

Thanks @peacedog. I forgot about that change to favored enemies in 3.5 where you had more flexibility on where your bonuses went when leveling up. That was a really great change that made your initial choice of favored enemy much less important (and I think it also made role-playing sense).

You got me to dig out my 3.5 Player Handbook :-)

I think human is always a “useful” choice. However, while I’m not seeing this in the handbook, but I seem to recall that you’re only supposed to do that if your alignment is “evil” (maybe that’s a 3.0 rule that they dumped for 3.5 — it kind of makes sense for role playing, but as a counter argument, you could imagine something like a Bounty Hunter or for that matter “the Mounties always get their man”). And either way, I’m not sure if makes sense for the type of ranger I would want to role-play.