Pathfinder: Kingmaker

They are in the TTRPG, and the main limitation is that the game heavily suggests a very clearly charted wealth by level progression. Keeping a full array of Rods as well as the defensive and ability boosting items you need to “keep up” with the game math isn’t feasible unless perhaps you are investing a lot of character resources into crafting all your gear (half cost, assuming your party has lots of downtime for you to fiddle in your lab), except then you’re investing so many character resources (Feats mostly) that it kinda balances out anyway.

If your GM ignores those guidelines or is too free with handing out uninterrupted downtime, the sky’s the limit; otherwise, you’ll need to pick the couple-few that are most vital to what you’re doing.

But they’re so damned good, you’ll do it any way!

You would think that, wouldn’t you? :D The game is pretty amazing. There is simply an astonishing amount of content, like I am continually surprised by how much they put into this game. At the same time, I hit a bug at the 50 hour mark where the trigger for the next part of the main quest wouldn’t fire. So… I simply can’t progress in that play through unless I roll back to a save from ~20 hours before, in order to make different decisions that would allow me to avoid the bug.

Have you considered a nice relaxing game of Axes and Acres? It is currently scratching my kingdom management itch.

I am taking it, that your recommendation is to wait and buy it later. Maybe the christmas sale then.

Does anyone know how to get the turn-based mod to actually work? I installed Unit Mod Manager and dragged the turn based mod into it, it claims it’s OK but when I get into the game it’s still real time. I did some more reading (special thanks to the Turn Based Mod NOT including any actual instructions so I have to dig around on the web to find how to do any of this, btw) and figured out to CTRL+F10 in game to bring up the mod manager interface, where I see the status is “red” and it doesn’t seem to like the version of the Mod Manager? I tried downloading an archived, older version that matches the 14.1 Turn Based seems to want, but none of the archived versions are exactly 14.1?

EDIT: WTF - I see the version at the top of my clip there is 13.1 so that’s the issue, but I’m using the latest file from the Nexus and it says Current Version 19.0 and Installed Version 13.1. If I can’t get the latest version from the Nexus, where am I supposed to go?

They had it hosted on github while in beta (or is it alpha?). Odd that it says it got updated on the 4th and yet you’re stuck on the old version. I haven’t updated from 18 yet, myself.

edit - do make sure you’ve also placed the mod in the mods folder for your Pathfinder install (which UMM was supposed to do, but it can be finicky) and that it’s not in a layered subfolder (which happens sometimes when unzipping stuff). So if it’s in Pathfinder Kingmaker/Mods/Turn Based Combat/Turn Based Combat then you’ll have issues as you’d want to take out one of the redundant folders.

I figured it out - it seems strange to me the version you pull down from Nexus isn’t actually the latest version, I saw the “installed version” and “current version” were different in the Mod software itself, when I clicked UPDATE in Mod Manager it updated itself instantly to the latest 19 version, and then everything was working.

This stuff is why I don’t like mods that much - they are almost always rather counter-intuitive to figure out and install, and by the time I have everything working I’ve lost interest in the game itself. Thankfully this seemed to work well and the mod itself is great!

I am glad you figured it out. I had a similar issue with Age of Empires 3, War of Liberty. I was running an older version until I remembered to run the updater.

Having a updater is still far better than having to redownload the entire mod every time a new version comes out though, and mods usually add a lot more new experience to an other older game, completely for free.

I picked this up on the sale and have been playing it. I am liking it so far, but I have the kingdom difficulty set to very easy. I heard such horror stories about it. It seems that kingdom stuff is meant to take forever, as in years or decades. I am talking about build points. Like getting 40 a week and needing oh so many. It seems like buying them with gold isn’t much of an option unless you get a crazy gold income somehow.

The battles can be quite difficult too. Several of them just clobber me while others are a cake walk. IE, in the witches hut area I killed all the encounters without any effort except the owl bears and this one area with invisible stalkers. I tried those a few times, but get murdered every time.

I still haven’t gone back to that spider cave from the beginning of the game that has all the swarms. Now that I have fireball, maybe its doable.

Are there any quality of life mods that are must haves?

I think this one if mandatory. It’s called Fast Travel but it’s not about teleporting but rather speeding up party movement. The game doesn’t respect your time at all, only recently they’ve patched in an ability to go to map from the throne room. Even then there will be numerous times when you have to walk through empty maps several times and this mod helps with that by speeding up the game outside combat.

The game has a faster map movement that kicks in after a second or two now.

I have a rant about BP and buildings much earlier in the thread. But TLDR: Kingdom stats determine income (1 BP per 20 stats if I remember). However, building buildings for stats → BP (even with all the positioning optimization you can manage) and most “investments” e.g. trade routes for BP never pay back their cost over the timeframe of the game (~4.5 years ingame time). Neither does expansion by the way (so much for “kingmaking”). Thus building crap is for (a) your vanity (b) useful effects like teleportation (c) reaching a kingdom stat threshold sooner.

Most of your kingdom stats and thus income will come from passing the RNG event cards. Oh speaking of that always keep a emergency BP fund because some events will eat BP and going negative drops your stability.

You will probably have crazy gold income from loot you can’t use.

It’s only for the overworld map, right? I was much more irritated by waiting while you’re running around. E.g. you have to visit the witch couple of times, and each time you have to run through a vast plain for a minute or so. Same with many dungeons with puzzles, or when you have to go outside to rest.

No, it’s for the actual adventure maps. Doesn’t work at all on overworld that I’ve seen.

After you run for a couple seconds it kicks in.


Hey one less mod to worry about updating or having conflicts is one less.

The mod might be better (as is the case with respec vs the in-game respec imo), but for most people it’ll do.

How much should I keep in reserve?

It’s nothing you need to worry too much about. Although some choices or events might give you up to -200 or -250 BP, which can put you into negative, you don’t actually take the stability hit until the day rolls over with your balance in the negative, so as long as you are able to reach the kingdom management screen (should virtually always be the case unless I’m forgetting something) and can buy BP to make up the shortfall you will be fine.

I think 1 BP = 80g so as long as you’ve got some combination of 20k gold or 250 BP, you ought to be fine. You’ll be sitting around with more gold than you can spend at some point because of the unused artisan gear, so it isn’t really an issue.

How do you upgrade a village to a town? I think it says I need a certain number of villages before I can make a town, yet I can’t make more than one village per province. Is this even something I should worry about?

@Scotch_Lufkin and others. Anyone put much time into the rouguelike dungeon? Is it balanced well? Trying to decide if that should be a last minute purchase. I don’t think I need the rest of the DLC at this point, especially since I never finished the main campaign yet.

Also do the enemies have crazy stats like in the main game?

I only played the first floor of the dungeon and was beset by goblins which were not a challenge (but were just dangerous enough to enjoy). Too early for me to say. But on the other hand fior $8.50 it’s probably worth checking out. I mean, if it were to go on sale again later in the year for 50% off you really only would have saved like three bucks by waiting. Why not just get it now in case you end up having a blast with it?