Patreon and Q23 switching away from vBulletin

Poor Tom, have to manually update Patreon status - but I appreciate having something fresh to read than the boring old “Patron!” text.

I don’t mind in the least! I would have preferred that you guys could change it at will. But to Discourse’s credit, it’s super easy for me to change a user title.


This is like choosing a nickname for yourself. It never ends well.

The “Dwayne Johnson” Rock.

The Artist Formerly Known as @AntediluvianArk

I have made my request… waits patiently in self satisfied glee

I’m having a hard time. @marxeil’s Seinfeld video made me think of “Coco” (which happens to be appropriate considering my real name). And now I’m considering the vey subtle “Patrón”, or the funnier “Patròn”. But I’m also very, very attached to the now old-school title that @stusser granted me after years of my secretly yearning for one. Decisions, decisions.

[EDIT] OMG, I just saw what @ArmandoPenblade’s title is. Great minds and all that…

What do you see it as? Cuz it hasn’t updated on my end and now I am sad :(

It was “Pàtron!” a moment ago. But now it is not.

Are you sure that google didn’t translate the website to Spanish?

I’m not sure of anything anymore.


Hey, the Friar is back! Nice!

Cousin it?

Edit: Should be Cousin Itt right?

In which I learn everything I’ve ever believed was a lie.

I think I’ll leave the misspelling as a testament to my shame!

It is a mild mistake: in Frecnh, Cousin It’s name was “La chose”, i.e “The thing”. Yikes!

Loving the titles.

Oh man, choose our own tags? That’s, uh, that’s a lot of pressure. I don’t even know. Maybe someone can help me?

Just go with your favorite Bible verse.

Aw thanks dude! Great idea.

“Jesus wept.”

edit: no wait; I think I’ve got to go with Tom Waits, who said I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. But that probably won’t fit, so how about: “a bottle in front of me”?