Peacemaker (HBO Max)

Yeah, he’s got a good psychopathic yet endearing anti-hero vibe thing going.

Yeah, I think I saw an article on him the other day. He was a minor character in a Harry Potter film, he played the hunky radio station manager in Pitch Perfect, and I think he was in Bridgerton or some other period piece recently. Pretty much unrecognizable in every role compared to one another.

The crazy thing is he was a mid-season replacement and they went back and re-shot all his scenes

Oh, wow. It was originally the guy who played ‘Dennis’ in Patriot! Interesting to think of how that would have(or did, I guess) go, but yea this guy is absolutely nailing it.

I am enjoying this. This is surprising, as I did not enjoy Peacemaker in The Suicide Squad. He felt awkwardly grafted onto the story, then even more awkwardly kept alive at the end of the movie so he could be in this series.

Here’s what we had in the first three episodes: a middle-aged white hero with a kick-ass past thinks he’s more awesome than he is (but he’s still awesome) and lives in a crappy house in nowheresville. He suddenly gets caught up in a monsters-are-taking-control-of-people-and-the-apocalypse-is-nigh crisis. He has a team of sidekicks, including a hot woman whom he flirts with in a way that it makes it quite clear that middle aged white guys are the worst, unless the viewer is terrible at reading social cues and/or doesn’t care what women say, in which case the hero’s flirting is awesome. He has an aging dad, played by an older actor immediately recognizable to the target audience. The dad is a worse person than than the hero, serving to make the hero more sympathetic. There’s a whole lot of classic rock from days gone by on the soundtrack. The highlight of each episode is generally an action set piece with gore.

Oh, and it’s a transgressive dark comedy set in the DC superhero universe, so the characters can make references to Bat-mite while gore and nudity are happening.

So it’s not exactly the most original thing ever. But hey, Ash Vs. Evil Dead isn’t on any more (and the next season of Harley Quinn isn’t up yet, for the trangressive dark DC comedy part.) Cena and the rest of the cast are entertaining, and the title sequence is oddly mesmerizing. That was enough to bring me along for the ride for the first three episodes …

… and hey, it turns out episode four changed things up. Things Are Not What They Seem, on multiple fronts. Now I’m actually engaged, as opposed to just along for the fun ride.

Ep 5 was fucking hilarious. From the long list of famous people mentioned by Peacemaker as alternatives to his father, the Superman fetish, the ‘I finger bang you, I’m not using my pinky’ (and the lesbian retort), Peacemaker going ‘chill’ suddenly with the shotgun, to the gorilla, the chainsaw (I saw it coming), and Vigilante being Vigilante.
The story is also getting interesting, as the last scene may imply there are factions in the butterflies. We will see.

Another winner. Vigilante continues to impress(“because I don’t have feelings like normal people”). And yea, for a moment I thought Murn would just kill Leota to end the episode, but I’m also thinking factions or something now.

We may not have Harley Quinn Season 3 yet, but we have a Kite Man reference!

I saw the first episode, and found it crass, boorish and way to reliant on dude-bro stuff. I realize that its making some sort of statement here, but it was just too much for me.

Its a shame, because I was really looking forward to seeing it, from all the gushing here.
I guess we really ARE different, then, after all!

Luckily, watchable tv-shows arent exactly scarce!

I mean, Gunn’s style is definitely crass. It’s not a dude-bro show, though. It’s a show where the central character has been raised by a white supremacist and isn’t that bright but is trying in his own somewhat defensive and misguided way to be a good person, and is cognizant that no one likes him. Which is to say, the other characters give him shit for his failings and he’s working on them. Sorta.

I think that this isn’t really the style of the entire show, but it’s rather a presentation of how Peacemaker’s personality is at the start of the show.

One of the show’s themes seems to be his evolution beyond the dude-bro persona.

It may be worth you giving it a few episodes before giving up on it.

That being said, if you want other DC shows, I would recommend Doom Patrol.

Oddly, the best stuff in the DC cinematic universe, aside from the Nolan Batman movies, seems to be these weird B-list comics, which seem much better than the stuff about the major Justice League characters.

Maybe there’s just less pressure to leverage super high end IP, so the writers have more freedom to make fun stuff.

Well, to be fair, none of the characters in Doom Patrol or Peacemaker actually have powers, or at least useful powers, so the shows are really more soap operas about self-realization and character growth.

No reason shows with people who do have powers can’t be like that. I’d argue that this is the area where Marvel hit the money much more than the CGI fight fests.

Yeah, this explictly happens in the latest episode after the team bonds over a big fight. One of the characters gives Peacemaker the “you can drop the dudebro persona, that doesn’t have to be you” speech. I thought it was a good moment.

I teared up at that moment, not gonna lie.

I wonder if they are really going to do the whole “actually he wasn’t so bad, he had it tough growing up and he is hurt, he was pushing people away. He just needed real friends~ (group hug)” typical antihero character story, or instead subvert our expectations. We will see…

And well, the humor can be crass!

Everybody should be forgiven. Even psychopathic dude-bro mass murderers if they become more sensitive and only kill people that are bad.

There is no well-adjusted, morally upright person on the show to serve as example. I am pretty sure long term Peacemaker is still gonna be doing fucked up things. But he might be less of a bro about it.

I doubt its going to be a redemption arc. I hope it won’t be.

Anyone who is best friends with Eagly is alright in my book.