Phoenix Point - new Julian Gollop turn-based strategy game

I’m on my first playthrough on console (XSX), and the game seems to be getting buggier as I go. I’ve just done the Antarctica mission, fo reference. I have no idea how far that is in, but it seems pretty far?

Anyway, the game seems to be getting glitchier and glitchier. I had no problems at all for a while. Then, when resolving some Exploration missions, it would double-press ‘A’, so I couldn’t really see how they resolve. Not a big deal, but annoying, and at first I thought it was my controller, but have since seen others report g the same issue.

Next, when exploring on the GeoScape, it wouldn’t actually acknowledge it- I’d get the timer circle, but then… nothing. So I’d fly off to a different one. Same. Saving and reloading the game makes them all pop at once, and if one was a scavenge mission, or a haven or story mission, if your plane has moved on, you have no one there to deploy. So as soon as it happens, save, exit to title, reload. And it’s happen g more and more often.

This last one has happened twice, both recently. Load into a mission, and… none of the buttons work. You can scroll around the map, rotate, etc, but no button presses work, including the Menu button. So this one requires hitting the big glowy X, going to desktop, killing the game and rebooting. Ugh.