Phoenix Point - new Julian Gollop turn-based strategy game

Memories of Fallout radroaches.

Does it’s head bob back and forth when you try and shoot it? Asking for a friend.

That screenshot of aerial warfare reminds me of Galaxian, on its side.

Edited to remove unwanted plural!

I understood that reference.

My memory off Galaxian I must admit, is a bit hazy (I realize now it was singular, not plural, too). I only played it IIRC in one bar/pizza joint, in like 1979-80, while in college. I do not think I ever played it without a beer on one side and an ashtray on the other, surrounded by a throng of loud, drunk people and a huge cloud of smoke.

Every single post here makes me regret starting and playing Solasta first. Im enjoying that game, but first time im feeling that grass in greener on the other side feeling lol

You actually prompted me to search online and find an arcade site which had a version; there were a few slightly different ones as I recall.

I’m confusing Galaga with Galaxian, and my teenage self is disappointed in me. Which one comes installed on SHIELD helicarriers?


I started playing Solasta and pretty quickly realized that I should be playing Phoenix Point instead, partly because it’s the more polished and “mature” design. But mostly because I don’t have enough tabletop nostalgia to power through Solasta.


Ok loading it up…

OK finally got to the part where you get your armed aircraft. Question can i still access and crew my unarmed aircraft before, or is it lost?

The difficulty has ramped up in this expansion, the mission was timed, and in mission the new flying enemies do a lot of damage if they get to you. Also the trigger event when your close to the airplane is brutal, just getting swarmed. A lot more challenge to this DLC

The air fight, is interesting, targeting different components is cool, and activating your abilities (and where to target them) gives some strategy to the airtight

That’s so weird how that works, isn’t it? I think the idea is that “the gift” referred to in the mission isn’t a whole new Manticore, but it’s an upgrade to your existing Manticore? And therefore it’s no longer called Manticore-1, but now it’s called The Gift? Or maybe the implication is that your original Manticore crashed when the settlement was attacked, so the new armed Manticore replaces it?

But as near as I can tell, you’re not actually getting a second vehicle. It is confusing in terms of what’s happening narratively.


I am playing this for the first time and I keep bouncing off because there are too many cross class build choices. I am racked with indecision. I am going with the rule of thumb to spec the class to what perks the soldier starts with (e.g. A heavy with the Sniperist perk but without Strongman is crossed into sniper, etc). No idea if this works or what the correct rule of thumb.

My advice would be to not bother cross classing when it becomes available at 4th level. Sink those points into developing their willpower and movement. Enough willpower to be able to burn it on your class abilities whenever you need it and still complete a mission is such a force multiplier that it completely outweighs any extra abilities you spend those points on (and future points to get other cross class skills)

A sniper who can get off 2 shots a turn whenever you need it is doing a lot more damage than any points you sink into cross classing, same goes for an Assault who can dash a big distance twice a turn whenever they need it or a Heavy who can War cry many times in a mission.

Absolutely take the basic skills for each class and by all means select any matching sub-skills (Shotgun proficiency for assaults for instance) but I don’t usually bother taking more than one of these on any of the classes. Everything else gets pumped into the stats so that I have 18+ movement and willpower by the time they reach level 4 or 5 and some additions to strength to allow them to carry extra ammo, medi-kits etc etc without becoming weighed down…

The only cross-class I would recommend stressing over is the sniper/infiltrator one. An undetectable sniper with a level 3 sniper rifle is really overpowered when combined with sneak attack, quick aim, and master marksman. Any of these Personal perks turn this unit up to 11: Thief, Sniperist, and Reckless. Farsighted is also helpful.

Otherwise, crossing an assault with just about anything works pretty good and gaining higher willpower & speed is most important. The exceptions are the personal perks as these should lead you towards a specific cross-class (ie, Bombadier for heavy, Sniperist for Sniper, etc).

Thank you for the tips. I have been holding on to skill points so far. Time to spend but not necessarily cross class.

There are some seriously good hybrid classes and downright OP ability synergies so don’t be afraid of experimenting! Willpower and movement are really important for flexibility in tight situations, but so is strength for heavies and personnel carrying a lot of gear. I love the choice the skill point and class system in Phoenix Point offers.

I agree, it’s fantastically flexible. My recommendation wasn’t to not cross class just not to do it at level 4…

Wow the new interception and heaven take over aspects are brutal! Even decked out my fliers are getting taken out. Any strategies learned here?

I have got some way in by mobbing them in sequence with different flyers. I have 3 flyers at the moment and use them one after another, disengaging each one when it looks like it’s on the ropes. Flames seem to the main thing that does for my flyers so I’ve learnt to keep an eye on the damage as it eats away at my weapon hit points…