Pinball FX 2

I’ll be grabbing this tonight as well, so feel free to add me too.

I’m assuming you should be able to select them from the table screen and then unlock each of them without having to pay any Microsoft spacebucks. Does it not work that way?

BTW, check your Biolab score. And Biolab? Really? I’m going to call Secrets of the Deep as the table where the cool kids hang out. Well, once I get back to the top of the list. I love that table. Until then, Rome is the table where the cool kids hang out.

-Tom, #1 on Rome

Oh, to explain the Superscore and the Wizard Score:

The Superscore is basically all your high scores added together and divided by a million. It’s basically your overall bad-assedness, but also a function of how many tables you have. It doesn’t get you anything except a place on the leaderboards where I’m kicking all your asses since I went ahead and bought all the tables.

Wizard Score, on the other hand, is more of a community thing. It’s the sum of your Superscore, plus your friends’ Superscores, multiplied by the number of tables you’ve played, with a modifier for tournaments (although I don’t see anything yet in the tournament screen). Your Wizard Score unlocks avatar clothes at, I think, 200, 1000, and 5000 points. I think. At any rate, it behooves you all to add me since I have such a high (i.e. catassy) Superscore!

Also, note that if you move the right stick on the main screen, you can cycle through various score displays and leaderboards.


Dammit, fuzzyslug, what kind of jerk doesn’t let a guy gloat for more than five frickin’ minutes when his high score gets beaten? You. That’s what kind of jerk. Fine. I guess I’m going to be playing Biolab all night.


That’s what I thought. I got some kind of unlock thingamabob for the dlc tables. It wants me to pay for the set of 4 originals. Hasn’t someone already done this? What did I miss?

Biolab score checked! I’d hang out on Secrets of the Deep too if I had that much trouble at Biolab.

Oh, sorry. There is a space in there. It’s ‘Mink Staccato’. I’ve had it wrong all these years…

I’ve got a wizard score of around 600 so far, so anyone who adds me will get that added to theirs.


Actually, you only get the Superscore added. The Wizard Score is the sum of all your friends’ Superscores multiplied by the tables you’ve played.

I was going to say I doubt your Superscore is 600, but considering you’re a pinball professional, maybe it is that high, in which case my avatar isn’t going to get to wear that funky crown anymore.


The sequel is giving me a Geometry Wars/Trials HD vibe with the Friend integration…that’s going to suck me in pretty completely.

Tom do you not see me on your leader board? I think I’m only 2 on Rome, but ahead of you last I checked. And you really really don’t want to look at Secrets of the Deep right now, I just had a pretty good game, a 34M game.

I go to bed with a superscore of 95 and on top of my friends list at the moment. It has been painfully cuthroat however and I expect it to crumble by morning.

Well, I’m currently on top of my friends list for Agent and Buccaneer. My latest Buccaneer run went on a long time, and I had quite a few multiball sessions in the same game, so that one might be safe for the night. I made no headway on beating you guys on Speed Machine or Extreme though. I still haven’t really figured those two tables out.

I’m not sure exactly what it was that felt so wrong about the physics in Pinball FX, but whatever it was definitely feels fixed now. When my 800 MS points come in for spending over 2400 points in October, these extra 4 FX 2 tables is what I’m going to get with it. Big kudos to Zen Studios for really fixing the game and coming up with a great way to make it a more social game.

I think the newer tables are much better than the older ones. I only have the two packs but I find the older tables a little lack luster.

Yeah, no kidding. You guys stop playing those older tables so I can go back, get a high score, and be done with them. When y’all keep playing them and racking up points, I have to keep going back to try to beat you. Let’s just stick to the newer tables from now on, okay guys?

Besides, some of those older tables are stingy with the points, so it doesn’t help your Superscore so much.


Anyone else having trouble purchasing the Street Fighter table? It is the only one I am missing.

Love the game, really fun to beat some of your scores and all that… Oh, there is apparently an avatar award at 100,000 wizard score. Yikes!

Yeah, the Street Fighter table is borked for me as well.

 -Tom has a post by a Zen dev saying that Mars and Paranormal are coming at some point.

I want those as well, so, so bad. Make it happen, Zen!

Feel free to add me folks. I’ll help you get that achievement for beating ten of your friends scores.

Not sure how to do that, so I put it in my profile instead.

I’m really digging FX 2, but Zen could really learn a thing or two from Farsight Studios on how to do a rule sheet. The Pinball Hall of Fame: Williams Collection has the best tutorials I’ve ever seen, even teaching me new things about tables I’d played in arcades for years. FX 2’s brief blurbs about each mode, often illustrated with a small picture of a wide view of the table, just don’t compare.

Also, it would be helpful if the little demonstration videos in Rome (and other tables?) were available within the rule sheet. Showing them to me as I’m keeping my eye on a speeding ball isn’t that useful.

But these and the occasionally lackluster voice work (Rome: “Ball…lost” [yawn]) are my only complaints. Everything else is a blast. Especially the way the friends lists, achievements, superscores, and wizard scores are handled. Farsight Studios could learn a hell of a lot from Zen in these areas.

With this, Rock Band 3, and Guardians of Graxia, this weekend is going to be awfully busy.

OK, once more slow for the learning challenged here:

I’m a pinball fanatic and have no pinball on my 360. Do I need to buy FX1 and then FX2, or just FX2?

Just upgraded to this from the first tonight. Havent played yet, but feel free to add me to your friend list. Tag is the same as my user name, ChrisPal.