PlayStation 5

@petey’s drive and heatsink are good ones. I have the same heat sink.

You just open it up, screw in the drive, close it up, format, and you’re done. You then have more drive space. Just make sure the drive meets the minimum speed requirement and you’re good.

Sorry if this is a silly question, but how does one format a drive on a PlayStation? Once plugged in and powered up, does the PS just auto detect and know to format it?

So there is a version of this at that link that has a heat sink already installed. Is there a reason you would buy without a heat sink and add a separate one?

It’s all part of the PS5 OS. It just sees the drive, asks to format IIRC, you say OK, and use it.

Sometimes it’s just cheaper, or an SSD just doesn’t offer a version with the heatsink. Sony recommends one for performance and longevity reasons.

Pretty much every brand has a model advertised as PS5 compatible now, and there will be reviews on Amazon and other stores from people confirming compatibility. I recommend keeping an eye on sites like for SSD sales. They will almost always say if they are PS5 compatible, and if an additional heatsink is needed. The SSD I bought is a 2TB XPG S70, and those sell for under $200 pretty frequently now.

Sorry for this brief PS5 thread interruption, there was no thread for Diofield and this thread was the only place I got a hit on it.

I saw it was also coming out on steam in Sept and thought I’d mention it here in case anyone was interested (I am!).

Good luck with that, they never sent mine, and from what I saw on reddit I’m not alone.

I am willing to buy one if they sell it. It would be worth avoiding the PS5 vs “but what about Beat Saber” priority debate.

Ok. It does seem like this is a problem. From multiple accounts on different sources, it seems like Sony “offers” the adapter, but actually sending it to you is… less than assured. I do see several 3rd party PSVR camera adapter options sold on Amazon. Should I be afraid, or does this seem safe? I remember 3rd party docks for Switch were risky and this feels like a similar device (usb to usb hack).

I hope not, I’m on the verge of ordering one myself. As far as I know, it’s just a USB plug adapter for the camera, versus a power supply, so I think the stakes are lower by comparison.

I was fortunate - I ordered one a few months after the ps5 release and got the adapter shortly afterwords. I can’t speak to the alternatives you find on Amazon, but the adapter itself is a simple inert piece of plastic - no power or anything else beyond the input and output jacks. I can’t imagine it’s difficult to make one or that it could cause harm if it was badly made.

Today’s PS5 temptation:

They just announced a new beta for the next big firmware update that adds 1440p output, folders and other enhancements:

Nice not sure if that will fix the fact that I can’t use higher than 60 FPS on my 1440p monitor, but we’ll see. It also doesn’t support free synch which blows. The xbox supports both. Shrug.

I’m looking at my Amazon cart and asking the same question. Can I just get the Samsung 980 pro that comes with the heat sink already installed?

PS5 bundle with Horizon New West remains in stock. Free express shipping. No wait, log in and put it in your cart.

You can as long as the height of the drive with heat sink isn’t too tall for the slot you have to put it in. If you buy one that’s marked as ok for PS5, you’re fine.

Yes, 980 pro at top of most recommended PS5 SSD articles.

On vacation at the Jersey Shore for a few days and got a rainy morning so decided to give this a try…

Remote play on my home PS5 back in PA through my iPad and Sony’s app using a PS4 DualShock 4 connected via Bluetooth. I may as well be sitting there. It’s that good.

It certainly helps that FFXIV can be played leisurely, but I will probably try some Warzone later for the heck of it. It’s pretty tight lagwise right now.