PlayStation Move: What Hardware Did You Buy?

Put me in the ‘didn’t know it was released’ camp.

I don’t have a PS3 but even if I did, I’d have no interest in Move based on what I’ve seen so far and I don’t see that changing, really.

I was at the Halo Stor–I mean Best Buy today and you’d barely even know the Move was out. It was a tiny little endcap buried behind gigantic Reach displays. The packaging is so nondescript I thought it was third-party stuff at first.

4% of people on this poll are planning on / have bought this thing…wow.

Well, what percentage of the board actually has PS3s? You’ll notice that two of the three biggest votes are for Wii owners and 360 owners, may of whom I assume do not own PS3s and probably a large part of the I play real controller games owners are also not PS3 owners.

Personally I have a Wii which only gets rolled out when friends come over and a 360 which I use for regular console gaming. However, the PS3 is finally getting cheap enough that a friend of mine says she’s getting me one for Christmas. I haven’t decided whether to try to get her to get a Move bundle or not though. $399 is just a bit more than I want her to be spending. I presume there’s not much chance of a price drop between now and Christmas?

I am willing to place good money that at least half of those who voted have a ps3. I know I have one and I know other people that have posted in this thread have one but there is just no interest in the Move.

Could be. At this point the only Move game I want to play is Resident Evil 5. But I assume that they’ll come out with some fun party games later, and I really don’t like the Wii low-res graphics, although I suppose they’re fine for Mario-type games.

It also doesn’t help that they generated almost no buzz for the move before its launch. Hell most of us had no idea it was even out. Give us some interesting games and I’d think about it but till then zero interest.

Cosign, brah.

This has got to be one of the softest launches ever (at least until Kinect). I went into Walmart last night (where I work part-time in electronics) and asked one of my more knowledgeable co-workers where the Move stuff was being displayed. He gave me a blank look. I eventually found it on an endcap, but very little of what relatively little product we had gotten had even sold. I worked until close and sold one single Move item the whole evening, and that was to a tourist from Japan. ;-)

I think you’d be surprised. The PS3 userbase has never struck me as having much interest in the motion gimmickry. My barrier of entry isn’t even as high, since I already have an EyeToy thanks to being stupid enough to fall for the Eye of Judgment scam.

I presume there’s not much chance of a price drop between now and Christmas?

Within three months of launch? Seriously? Not unless it bombs harder than the Virtual Boy.

Well it doesn’t look very good at the moment…

I will be getting a bundle (Eye, Move, and whatever the bundled game is), but I’m getting it for free, and I wouldn’t have picked it up otherwise…so yeah, unless something drastically changes I think Move may already be in serious trouble.

I was at Gamestop tonight, and there wasn’t even a Move demo unit.

I can’t help but think Sony doesn’t expect it to sell like gangbusters with a launch as soft as this. The lineup right now is basically a bunch of tech demos. Contrast this with Microsoft, who apparently expects to sell 3-5 million Kinects this year and claims it will outsell the iPad. Microsoft’s going in guns blazing, Sony seems to have some other plan, although I’ll be damned if I can figure out what it is.

Walk softly and carry a big stick?

At this point I don’t think Sony could sell hotcakes successfully.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but that “Move” thing also plays new 3d blu dvds or something?

They’re planning what they always do: they’re throwing it out there to have feature parity so that the PS3 doesn’t become an inferior product in the consumer’s eyes (motion control: check) And other than that, they’re ignoring it until they see where it goes. Sony’s PS division has always been better at following trend and reacting / capitalizing than really pushing new ideas.

No they’re not related. 3D is a free patch provided you have a TV that supports it.

I think it has bigger GBs… and apps.