PlayStation Now coming to PC

Yeah that’s not gonna happen until PS4 gets emulated sometime in 2030s. But this seems like a really controller based game anyway.

Well this… kind of works! Tried RDR via the 7 day trial. Playing in a window about a sixth of the screen but still, looks fine. I’ve knocked off some coyotes with someone called Bonnie MacFarlane. I wouldn’t mind seeing an Uncharted, Last of Us, or even Dark Souls II. Truly these are wondrous times.

You can put it in fullscreen you know… playing on my TV it looks pretty much identical to native PS3.

The free trial is setup to bill you after the 7 day trial so keep that in mind if you find don’t want to continue with the service.

Last month to use it on Vita, PS3, TV, etc.

PS4 games now available. This is the starting list for North America:

Killzone Shadow Fall
God of War 3 Remastered
Akiba’s Beat
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
WWE 2K16
Tropico 5
Ultra Street Fighter IV
F1 2015
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
MX vs ATV Supercross Encore
Broken Age
Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
Grim Fandango Remastered
Castlestorm Definitive Edition
Super Mega Baseball

They also have a sale. 10$ intro month (new subs only), 100$ for a year. Ends in September.

That list kind of sucks. Where are the exclusives I want to check out like Ratchet and Clank, or Naughty Dog’s stuff? Most of that stuff can be found elsewhere.

They’ve got Killzone 4, God of War 3 Remaster and Resogun.

Killzone 4 is actually a decent shooter. I found it to be much more entertaining than Killzone 2, which is the other game I played in the series.

And Resogun is excellent. It’s so good that I actually stopped my PS+ subscription just so that I could buy it and own it even when I don’t have PS+. But it’s a slow burn. Resogun’s brilliance takes time to shine through. At first it doesn’t seem to be in the same league as games like Geometry Wars. Instead it seems like it’s in the same league as Super Stardust games. But wait! It’s not! It’s really good. Once you understand the game’s nuances, and the various difficulty levels, and have played with all three ships and played with your own designed ships, that’s when you start realizing how awesome it is.

Never heard of Killzone. Played God of War back on PS2 and never really found it to be the staggering work of genius most other folks did, so not too sure the third go round would do it for me. Resogun sounds cool, need a bit more than that to pony up. When they add the Uncharteds, The Last of Us, Horizon, just to throw out a few that look interesting to me that I would otherwise likely never play - that’s when I’ll see the value added here.

Killzone was Sony saying, “See, we have a Halo-level shooter franchise, too!”

They were incorrect.

I looked it up and the screenshots do look familiar. Name wasn’t ringing any bells though.

Killzone was also the Hoizon devs. Probably won’t see that on this service soon though.

No, I imagine Horizon will be selling well for a good while longer. But if they’re looking to draw in folks who aren’t already in the PS ecosystem, that’s the kind of thing that would really sell this. I don’t really want another console or platform to build yet another massive backlog on, but I am curious about the kind of games that I don’t otherwise have access to.

Akiba Beat, Exist Archive & Dead Nation are the other PS exclusives.

The PS3 versions are on there. Not quite as pretty, but I think all the gameplay is the same. There’s also 4 or 5 Ratchet & Clank games. Crack in Time is really good.

Oh, well that’s different! I’d probably be ok with less pretty since it’s all streamed anyway.

Has anyone actually tried this on PC? Curious how well it runs, especially action games like Uncharted or Killzone.

I played through Uncharted 1 and 2 with no issues.

I can’t image Resogun with streaming lag…

That’s a good point. I actually tried streaming Resogun to my PS Vita and found it wasn’t fun with the streaming lag.

Shooters like Killzone and Uncharted should work better though. But you’re right. Games like Geometry Wars and Resogun are pretty bad for streaming.

Just the video compression on Resogun is an enormous challenge.

Since I’m crazy, I decided to try Ninja Gaiden with the 7-day trial.

It’s playable. When I first started, it was extremely sluggish. I moved Ryu back and forth with the thumbstick and the delay was noticeable. Later it tightened up. Maybe the connection improved.

The other annoying thing is they kick you off if you stay idle too long. This is really bad for a game with checkpoint saves when I have to leave the PC to deal with family at times.

I’m still deciding whether to blow through the game like this or enjoy it on the original hardware in a couple months.