PolitiScales. Where do you stand?

Someone made an account, chose the handle “apolitical”, picked an avatar that says “Fuck Politics”, and then bumped this old thread to make his or her only post on this entire forum.

Not a terrible snapshot of me:

Pretty centrist Nightgaunt.

I love taking these things for some reason, even though sometimes the questions are poor (e.g., not being against nuclear power or GMOs shouldn’t negatively impact my environmental score.)

I’m a pragmatic leftist.

A lot of empty middle ground where I picked neutral, I suspect in part because of the test’s source and my inability to take a strong 1 or 5 stance on these types of tests (a lot of the questions I wasn’t comfortable on boiling down to an “Agree” or “Disagree” stance and went with Neutral as my “Well, it depends…” answer)


Whattya know, @tomchick and I came in with the same values, though Nationalism came in higher than my Work rating, I guess.

Work? Fatherland? Order? Are we sure Tom isn’t a gman sock puppet?

I’m actually to the “left” of Armando in a category! Why do you want to rape Mother Earth?

How do I get the imagine to show up when I post from my Android phone?

As @MrGrumpy noted, some of the theoretically environmental positions in the test seem to be based on poor science, e.g. the GMOs stuff. Beyond that, in general, I also recognize that means often enable the best practices, environmentally; that isn’t always immediately applicable everywhere. Though I might wish it were :)

Also, I mean, c’mon. Plastic is fucking awesome.

I think most of us have just been screenshotting

Not perfect, but oh well.

Some questions are rather ambiguous, but since there are so many total, I think it averages out quite well.

Mine from the beginning of the thread. I wonder if it might have changed since shitgibbon?

It’s worth a shot, but it is long, mi amigo. I didn’t know what I was in for. Then again, I really read and think about each one, I don’t Rorschach it.

It’s a bit annoying in that it seems to take Neutral answers as non-answers, so if you have a ton of Neutral positions you’ll still get lumped in with whatever weighted category you have a tiny bit more in than the other. (IE, in four categories i had more Neutral than either side).

There’s also a ton about gender role stuff, which i guess is the test skirting around women’s rights in a very, perhaps, obtuse and maybe inaccurate sort of way. “Do i think women should have equal rights?” and “Do i think hormones affect gender behavior?” aren’t really the same question, but the test tries to infer the first question by asking about the second.

I guess I’m a bad person?

Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.

That’s definitely accurate!

All those things you speak of specifically annoyed me. As well, I agree with @MrGrumpy regarding GMOs and Fission being placed on the scale the way they are, where they are as being weird (or inherently advocating a very specific agenda).

How did you get that impression? I think the gender stuff is all for the Constructivism/Essentialism scale, which has nothing to do with rights.

I could never get the stupid image to work but I have greenshot now.

If I took it today, it might change slightly but not much. It’s the Capitalism bar that gets me thrown out of the cozy liberal clubs.

It’s pretty clear that in the modern context that’s the implication. “Essentialism” means gender roles, and gender roles (as is both practiced traditionally and as is often conceived theoretically) circumscribe the possible freedom of action for women. It doesn’t outright say this, but that’s clearly the implication.

Now a lot of people today seem only capable of literal interpretation of things, and i’m not really trying to argue with them. Literally of course that’s not what it says.

But the way the questions were phrased, a hypothetical test taker that thinks women should stay home barefoot and pregnant should get a 100% on the Essentialism scale, and the test taker that thinks gender is a social construct and gender differences are manifestations of sexism is going to get a 0% on the Essentialism scale.

I think that makes my reading likely to be true.