Positech's Gratuitous Space Battles

Downloaded and playing it. :)

I found positioning is key. Do you spread out your space fleet to share the damage or do you group them to focus damage on one ship at the time. Also a good mix of unit types and munitions really helps.

My only advice so far:

  • Use crosses for the selection boxes in Options.
  • Some option screens do not have a close box and it may not be obvious to some players that clicking the Main Menu button takes you back to the root menu of the game.

Apart from that looking good! I will spend more time in battles to try out the different fleet options.

I get a crash every time I try to fight to battle. :(

Anyone with a crash when they hit fight:

Go into ‘options’
turn off ‘menu battle’
restart the game

That seems to fix it. God knows why. I better fix my bug-ridden crappy code :D
If that doesn’t fix it email me ([email protected]) and I’ll pull my remaining hair out.

Same. Don’t have time to mess around right now, unfortunately.

Cliffski, sorry we’re ruining your bank holiday. I’m off to the Notting Hill Carnival shortly and won’t file any more bug reports until tomorrow. :)

Cliffski, will there be / is there a Mac OS X version?

Not yet. But I fully intend for there to be one, not until after the proper release though.

Downloaded, and gave it a quick spin before work. Very slick, and I’m looking forward to a more extended session this evening. I did catch an it’s/its typo in one of the explanatory texts, but everything else seemed to work, except for my spaceships, which got summarily blown up first time round!

The order page seemed to suggest I could add Planetary Defense for $5, but when I did it came in at $10. I bought it anyway, but I was a bit confused by that.

There needs to be some way of knowing what’s just been unlocked. I can’t tell if there’s anything new or not.

Fixed it for me. I don’t have a lot of feedback to offer just yet, and what I have is purely cosmetics related.

Tutorial/message box things: font size in 1920x1200res is too small (the boxes could stand being twice the size, so it really shouldn’t be a problem). Occasionally multiple boxes pops up simultaneously.
Some boxes can’t be moved around.

Also: Teh Blurrrrr of D0me!!!

Have you tried the follow-ship-cam thingy? It turns the whole screen into a twinkling smear right now. It’s just too much. Way, way too much.

That’s about all I have to say after 15 minutes of playing. Oh yeah, that and it’s fun. I’ll go blow up moar stuffs now :D

No Mac version yet? Bleh.

Well, having played a couple battles, here’s my opinion…

  1. There are several places where difficulty levels are mis-named. The one that stands out in my mind is where it tells you how to unlock the other races and says that one will be unlocked by completing all the missions on medium difficulty. There is no medium difficulty (that I could find) in the missions, just normal, hard, and hardest.

  2. I wish there was a button when you finish a mission (win or loss, but especially loss) that jumped you back to your fleet setup with all the choices you made still chosen. That would let you tweak things better.

  3. I have no idea what I am doing. I lost every battle I tried.

More hasty, don’t-know-what-I’m-doing impressions:

Either being able to retry back to fleet setup, or save layouts, or both would be good.

Needs a blur setting, oh yes.

Speaking of options: after discovering the amount of blur, I hit escape expecting a menu to see if there was a setting for that. Instead, it looks like that’s an auto-resign battle button, with no failsafe “you sure you’re giving up?” bit. Please make that your standard pause/options menu (resume, quit, options selectable from there) instead.

UI/font scaling would be good.

The mousewheel zoom works in exactly the opposite direction my brain expects, allow me to invert it please. (Space battle commanders are finicky about such things!) Also, a supcom-esque “zoom to mouse pointer” instead of screen center would be very nice.

Additional UI elements in battle would be good–time control is mainly what I’m thinking. To give the option of not even touching the keyboard once battle’s underway.

Thanks guys. I should point out shift+F is add formation order, shift+E add escort. There are lots of UI issues I need to fix, and its possible to upload challenges that don’t actually run :(
But I’m working on all this!

Time control is already there, bottom left.

The game has both of these abilities… There are time buttons on the mini-map down at the bottom left of the screen… And there is a save layout button at the top left of the fleet deployment screen.

Also, I agree the scroll wheel seems backwards…

The Fearless (the battleship or cruiser or whatever in the first fight) wont DIE… I kill all of the opponents smaller ships, and then the fearless and the two larger ships at the top and bottom just rip through my fleet.

Order placed. Sucks that I won’t be able to Gratuitously fight Space Battles until this evening after work! Dammit, why do this to me on a Monday morning!!!

Here in England, today is a national holiday :D

UI nitpick: the scroll bar below the race selection is really hard to identify as a scrollbar. It looks more like a progress bar to me. I think the arrow on the side is too detached, and the bar itself doesn’t look scrollable, maybe?

Just read the rebel race description. snort

Having fun so far! Managed to win my first battle. Of course I earned very little honor as I took a large fleet.

One issue I’ve noticed so far, whenever I save a frigate design (Federation Wolf hull) with frigate missiles, it changes the missiles to anti-fighter missiles.

Looking forward to figuring more of the game out. Are there plans for larger/more/hull classes?

Thanks for the chance to play Cliffski!