Post your kids (that are interesting)

That looks like so much fun. Will be getting that book for my old nanny kid’s birthday next month. His parents will hate me.

Those are the best chubby baby cheeks EVER.

Dr. Tran!

Awesome blog Jeremy, I’ll definitely be following that. Some of those things look pretty cool.

That guy (Gever Tulley) is a good friend of mine, I worked side by side with him for most of a decade before he quit the programming biz to go write that awesome book. Yay to see it pop up here!

A new challenger appears!

My son in his halloween costume from a few years ago.

Holy, that is cute!
(both of them).

C’mon. Post more geek babies.

Here’s a Smurfette from last year:

Oh that’s adorable. Home made costume?

BTW, was the occasion for that costume? Halloween? I’m never sure which countries outside the US put any effort into celebrating Halloween.

No. Although shops are promoting it heavily and we have adopted the pumpkin thing, Halloween is not really a part of our national tradition (I think 10 years ago it was non-existent here). We do Fastelavn.

Here’s an article, scroll to Denmark:

Oh yes, homemade.

You asked for it.

My oldest boy from 2006.

Fantastic. Geektastic, even!

Thanks, we’re trying to do one or two a week. I put a new one up today and we figured out it will keep us busy for most of the year.

Had a pro take some pics over the weekend. Turned out pretty good!


I think he got tired of sitting in the pot.

I’d ask for a refund, he took pictures of little red x’s. ;)

My daughter brought me a bottle of “juice” yesterday and was begging me to open it for her. I gave her apple juice instead.


When my son was teething, we put rum on his gums. He liked it.

That bastard!


And well worth fixing, those are awesome.

My older daughter, Elizabeth. She’s a freshman at UCLA, and is on the UCLA Ultimate team that made it to the quarterfinals at the national championships last weekend.

OMG that’s awesome!!!