Post your pet!

Breed, please?

Greyhounds! They spend about 95% of their lives laying on something.

“Yeah, running is a job, man. And I can do that anytime.”

The general advice is to put them in separate rooms for a day or three, letting them smell each other from a distance at first, then allowing contact.

That being said, we seemed to have broken all of those rules multiple times growing up when the best our dogs and cats got was about a 5 minute show and tell, then allowing the grand event to take place in all its glory in front of the family. Pets work it out. House dominance seems to favor the older pet, I don’t think you have too much to worry about there.

And about 1% of the time running full blast in the backyard before returning for more napping. The remaining 4% of the time is not quite laying but doing contortion techniques on furniture and bedding to find the appropriate spot for nappage.

I have heard them described as 100 lb lapdogs that will scare the bejeezus out of anyone ringing your doorbell.

We wanted a big breed, and have a fairly large house and large-ish yard.

No fencing though, we are in town, but a pretty quiet neighborhood near a school with low traffic, off the main roads.

Supposedly she gets along with the farm cats now, so I am assuming our 2 cats (bro and sis) will be fine too.

Excellent representation!! One of my good friends had a greyhound rescue, former racing dog. She was the sweetest thing in the world but the likelihood of her not laying somewhere napping was low. Those dogs live for napping.

Why do they do the contortion I wonder? She would sometimes lay against the wall with her back body straight up, with her front body completely laying 90 degrees around so her head rested on the floor. It looked painful.

Love all the recent puppies and kitties!

I call that kinda dog pose “Teefuses”. When they are upside down and you get the tiny little front teeth showing.

Would like picture and name of third feline. That is all.

I lost a kitten that way when I was 8. :(

Your cats are gorgeous!

That’s a gorgeous “come hither” look Ashe is putting on!

Not my dogs per se, but my sister’s Anatolian Shepards just had puppies.

Hope you don’t mind adorable puppy pics.

By the way, I never responded properly, Bolt looks fantastic! And happy!

We only know The Bij has some Swiss Shepherd because my wife did one of those dog DNA tests. The Aussie is a newer breed anyway, bred in the West (not Australia as the name suggests) as a Shepherd dog. So a lot of other Shepherd breeds are usually prevalent.

Want them now. That is all.

Hi, we’re the internet, nice to meet you.

Oh god the puppies.

Well, uploading seemed to fail on my original post. Editing them in now. See above :)

They are so cute! Curious, how big is that breed when the are full size?

The breed is a big working breed. Females 100-130 lbs, males 110-150 lbs I think. Both the mother and the father are on the larger side of their respective scales in this case.

Put together, the Geryk cats might have enough floof to fill a bathtub.