Post your pet!

Mine are still not getting along all that well, but sometimes I catch them sleeping together.

Mine are like that, will barely tolerate each other, but about once every 6 months they curl up together. An hour later they won’t like each other again. Will never understand cats.

Our dogs do this too, both of them are chihuahuas. One, Rosie, is the queen of the house after voting herself as such. She does not like anyone getting more attention or food than her. She also gets the primo spot beside my wife while on the couch or in bed. Any time our other chichi, Bear, wanders by, she’ll angrily scowl, growl or even snap at times. And then on any random weekday you’ll wander in the living room and they will be napping on each other.

I makes no sense.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure its a warmth thing. My cat never cuddles up with me unless she is cold.

Jesus, stop using Seresto flea collars!

That is depressing. As bad as the EPA is in this, I would have thought the company itself would stop selling it. If for no other reason than negative attention.

If nobody knows pets are dying, there’s no negative attention.

In other words, there’s a very specific “formula” about this sort of thing.

Even more depressing.

I had an outdoor cat at one point that I would use this popular flea medication drops on. The directions were to put it right on on the scruff of the neck neck. It worked well, but she hated it. Eventually she would run as soon as I opened the little applicator. At some point I got a clue that maybe I shouldn’t be using it. What we put our pets through.

We used to take our German Sheppard to a dog park over near Mill Creek, WA. He loved it to death. Till some dogs started dying over there from someone throwing poison laced meatballs into the park. Into a few dog parks. F’ers. Have not taken him since and he is always whining to go with us when we put our shoes on…poor guy.

That sucks! If there are no consequences for people who do that in this life, I can only hope that there are in the next.

I’m a very mild tempered person but if I ever caught an asshole doing something like that I’d likely end up with a criminal record.

Strongly seconded. Vermin.

I’ve also used these collars on indoor/outdoor pets and had absolutely no issue with them. Personally, I think they’re fantastic.

Wife was trying to lint the couch, and Comet wasn’t having it.

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I figured this would be a good place to talk about it.

My partner and I are strongly considering a dog.

I want(ed) a Hungarian Viszla or Irish Rover.

She wants a Boxer.

I saw a Boxer in a market town a few weeks ago and it has strongly swayed me to her line of thinking.


WE will be able to walk/exercise the dogs 1hr a day quite easily and we have both had dogs, and are quite well read up and practiced in how to raise them, i.e. not hitting them, minimal punishment and maximum encouragement to shape the desired behaviours.

Plus we will have space for pretty much any dog, except maybe something stupidly big like a Dane.

She just walked up behind me and is adoring the photo of Comet.

Yep this is key. You do not need to pound a dog into proper behavior. That makes them submissive and fearful instead of loving.
Another bit of advice is to teach your pup early to be completely trusting and accepting of touch. Hold them and hug them often. Play with their ears and their feet, etc. Rub them around the eyes and the nose. This serves multiple purposes. One is that if you need to treat them for things like ear infections or such, they are already used to it and it makes treatment way easier. Playing with their feet while they are young makes it easier down the road to trim their nails. The other thing is if you get them used to people hugging or grabbing them, they are far less apt to bite when a child does so. I have used this process with the last four dogs I have owned and not one of them has ever shown aggressive behavior or bit anyone.

I know this will sound like crazy advice but ask around and find a good vet in your area. Consider getting pet insurance on your pup as soon as it comes home. Get it microchipped as well, that will help if it is ever lost. There are always high risk times for dogs needing vet care but the heaviest is from puppy until about 2 years, then as they get older and start needing more care. But you’ll want regular checkups for the dog as it ages anyway, insurance usually helps with that.

I’d also recommend crating your dog at night. Get them used to the small crate space and they will stop using the bathroom in there immediately. But use that to help get them on a schedule to go outside as soon as they come out of the crate in the morning to use the restroom outside. You can read up on crating if you’ve never done it, just understand it shouldn’t be a place for punishment, but rather for rest and quiet time.

And hash out with your partner now for the times best for both of you to handle bathroom trips outside, walks, feeding, etc. You’ve both had dogs but a dog in a relationship means someone having that duty at a particular time. Talk through it now to avoid arguing over it later. You might also both remind each other that younger dogs or those new to an environment make messes. It’s part of pet ownership. Shrug it off and try not to get mad at your dog for things they do. Again, you’ve both had dogs, this should be easy for you both. Dogs are all about routine. Try not to vary the times when they have bio breaks or food too much, especially until they get housebroken.

EDIT: Also, none of this really matters here. We need pics of your new pet!!! :)

Very good advice. Ive had 4 Goldens and have been very lucky with the housetraining. Goldens tend to learn quickly, as they love to please their besties. My last Golden was house broken in 1 week.
The other thing to watch out for with pups is chewing. Pups will chew anything and everything, including wires and appendages and they have very sharp, pointy teeth. You have to be vigilant. Get some good solid chew toys for them.
And here’s a little trick a trainer taught me. Buy some inexpensive cotton wash rags. Soak and freeze them. My dogs loved those when they were teething. Just don’t let them start shredding them.

As Skipper mentioned, puppies can be frustrating but they are just acting off their nature. Patience is key. There is somewhat of a love hate thing with raising puppies but for me its always been more love. Puppies are awesome. Have fun!

Ares the Ferocious War Kitten of Doom (yes, that’s his official name) wondering why the heck I’m shoving my phone in his face when he’s just trying to cuddle.


I’m still waiting for the crazy advice…

I learned a while ago a trick for dogs I don’t know, which is to approach slowly with the palms held out, then proceed to stroking them from the top of the eye to the back if the ear, then around the collar. Then scratch them a bit.

Bonus if they let you stroke the belly. Dogs seems to like me doing that.

There’s probably some solid reason for this, but I don’t know what. Just seems to work on most dogs.

As does lowering myself towards their level, e.g. by being on a knee, or bending over.

I didn’t crate my last dog, instead he ended up using the old sofa, which made sense as it was a seriously beat up piece of furniture.

He loved that sofa.

Wouldn’t let anyone but me on it lol.