President Trump Optimism thread

Fake news? Trump hasn’t even taken office and yet he continually lowers the bar further and further. It’s beyond politics. This is becoming a real test of our democracy. We need people of conscience in Congress on both sides of the aisle to stand up to him.

All that sucking up that spineless fucker Mark Zucker (head of CNN, and the dude who flew NBC into the ground) did, turning a blind eye while he kept a guy who was still receiving money from Trump serve as a talking head on his network, has gotten him jack and shit.

I’d be so happy about that, except for the fact that Trump is gonna take America down.

America has been moving toward a unitary executive branch because of Republican legislative stonewalling and inability to create anything other than destructive legislation. And now the executive branch is run by the same incompetents. So, yeah, things aren’t looking good.

Just as an aside arguments about a unitary executive look all fine and dandy when it’s Democrats keeping the lights on. We’ll see if those same voices feel the same after less than 4 years of Trump.

To be fair, some of the new executive branch are very competent. They just hate the bits of government they’ve been appointed to run.

OMG his section on the press conference on “hacking” is fucking mind boggling.

Of course he quotes Putin during the press conference as well. And he lawyers up at the end, with a firm that has direct ties to Russia.

How does America not understand how fucked we are right now?

How are we fucked? Did you not hear about the Toyota factory that Trump just built with his own bare hands?

Haha! Plus : “We have the best hackers, just terrific, and we’re going to put them all together in the same room and let them work for us because, as you know, hacking is bad, really bad, except when they’re doing it for us.”

Oh and : “Healthcare is easy! You just repeal everything the Democrats put in place! They’re the bad guys, you guys know that right?”

I would assume that once he takes the oath of office he’ll have to start using professionally crafted announcements and speeches and stick to carefully prepared statements and remarks at functions.

Can we go back in time and nominate Rubio?

Did Rubio finally grow up?

I wonder if he and many of the younger more moderate GOP peeps are thinking… 2-6 years from now, I want to be on the right side of history.

Likely, also he probably has morals. You might not agree with him on a lot of things, but on a great many things I’d bet you’d see eye-to-eye. Trump and the protection of the republic are high on that list I would suspect.

Was Rubio finally fucked over by the GOP enough that he’s grown a spine?

I hope so, I want there to be a GOP core that I don’t hate. Rubio I have issues with, no doubt, but I would be comfortable with Democrats working with him.

Unlike someone like Steve King.

Rubio’s always been extremely hawkish and hyper aware of how Putin is doing bad shit. He’s been on this case for a while.

The thing is, Rubio got lambasted by the press, and by the left, for ONE error in a debate. Seriously, that was pretty much what doomed his campaign, with very little substance behind it. It was spun to be some kind of indication of him not knowing anything… but there was very little merit to that argument, and it wasn’t really backed up by much else.

But at the time, Rubio was considered to be, potentially, a very strong candidate for the GOP. Clinton specifically did not want to have to go up against him in the general, as we’ve now seen conclusively.

But he would have been infinitely better than what we now have.

[quote=“Timex, post:1664, topic:126890, full:true”]
The thing is, Rubio got lambasted by the press, and by the left, for ONE error in a debate. Seriously, that was pretty much what doomed his campaign, with very little substance behind it. It was spun to be some kind of indication of him not knowing anything… but there was very little merit to that argument, and it wasn’t really backed up by much else.[/quote]

Yeah, it is kind of ironic that Rubio essentially got knocked out of GOP candidate contention because of his debate performance (repeating over and over that Obama, whom he was likened to on the Republican side, wasn’t stupid) and this weird idea that that single performance meant Rubio didn’t know shit and was ill-equipped to be President, and then Republicans went on to elect someone who actually really doesn’t know shit and is clearly ill-equipped to be President. Hopefully that rankles Rubio enough that he proves to be a willing thorn in Trump’s side for 4 years.

Rubio still endorsed him. So it’s great to see him grill Tillerson and all but he still sold his soul on some level.

Eh. Rubio’s poll numbers were in the toilet before that debate, and actually improved for a week afterwards before declining to just above pre-debate numbers. The sad fact of the matter is that Rubio (like Kasich) never had much of a chance at the GOP nomination due to not be crazy/severe enough. The “30-second soundbite repeat” thing was sensational, but honestly it was his immigration reform record that made him un-electable.

Back to Trump - Reporters aren’t allowed to ask hard questions of the PEOTUS.

CNN reporters anyway.

No, all reporters. Look at Megyn Kelly. She was on Fox and that didn’t matter. You either play ball or you get blacklisted.

If reporters have anything left of their professionalism and ethical code, they will refuse to go along with this bullshit.