Prime Day


Whoops, my bad. Armando is gaming with ants.

Anova at 70 bucks for anybody wanting to try sous vide. Joule was 130 earlier, but 150 now I think

This made me laugh way more than it should have.

Thanks. Here’s the link for everyone:

Shows $130 but on the page it says “Prime Day Deal” and is $69.99 when you put it in your cart.


Prime Day overload killed Prime Video, at least for me. Screw all y’all bargain shoppers! :-)

It’s kinda surprising that Amazon, of all behemoths, didn’t have the scale predicted properly.

Or here’s a terrifying thought: there are so many people shopping that even AWS can’t handle it.

Hmmm. Instant Pot is still £135 here (I could have sworn it was cheaper before), even after what it claims is a discount.

What a joke this “sale” is.

I have about a dozen wish list items. Every single one of them either went up in price or is equal to what it was last week. This includes speakers, camera, games, movies and books.

Lo and behold, another garbage Prime Day.

I tried to get the Instant Pot, but it kept disappearing from my cart and then was sold out. I love how even with online retail I’m still fighting crowds and having shit stolen from my shopping cart like it’s Black Friday.

I’d say so, just don’t do it in too big a room, this thing can be super sensitive and pick up EVERYTHING. I put myself maybe 6 inches from it, but I’ve the gain super duper low.

This shouldn’t be a surprise, every Prime Day is a joke.

Thanks. I’m thinking about it for a new RPG campaign I want to start in the medium-near future. I’d likely be playing in my place, which is hardly a studio environment, but at least it’s carpeted so there’s no chair-scraping. On the flipside, sometimes the neighbors get into screaming matches in the parking lot three floors below.

Hah, if you keep the gain low you SHOULD be okay, but even with mine turned low, it can still hear a cat’s meow from about 4 feet away easily.

I really appreciate it :). I realize the optimal thing would probably be 5-6 $50 mics, but, well, that’s even less in the budget than one $90 mic :-D

Yeah, this’ll do ya. It’s also got multiple modes so you can fine-tune it to your liking right from the mic.

Neato D7 (which wasn’t out when I last looked at a robovac upgrade and reviews very well) is £300 off. Think I’m going to bite.

Like several people already posted, watch the wirecutter’s coverage, they separate the wheat from the chaff. Something approaching 99% of the prime day “deals” actually aren’t.

Every prime day had like 5 hidden gems which are genuinely awesome deals, in a haystack of nothing.

Fair, thankfully folks like Wirecutter helps find that wheat within the silo of chaff.