Punchable YouTube "celebrities"

er umm that would be terrible yes?

Even traditional celebrities’ kids want to be a slacker influencer as a career path nowadays

He already has 330,000 subs. I don’t see why this can’t be big for him. He is funny. If there is one Youtube video per week I’d subscribe to, it’s more likely to be his than Pewdiepie.

I subbed. I’ll definitely get in on whatever Jack Black wants to dabble in these days. Dude has been pretty great in the games I’ve played that he’s been involved in, not to mention various movies, Mr Show, Tenacious D, good stuff.

Oh, Jack Black’s an affable enough guy. I was commenting on the fact that it was his kid driving this.

Tom is gonna finally have some real celebrity competition on Friday nights.


I was watching “Shark Tank” with my wife the other week, and all of the sharks are all hyped up on influencers this year. “You’re doing customer aquisition on facebook? That’s too expensive, you need to use influencers instead!” More views for less cash, maybe more followthrough on “advertisements”?

Twitch streamers now have a “bounty board” where game companies can put up rewards for streamers to stream a game for some length of time, then they get paid. You don’t even make a deal with the company directly, the platform serves as an intermediary.

Kinda blows my mind (and makes me wonder if youtube has the same system.)

Bounty Board is a way for creators to browse and accept paid sponsorship opportunities (AKA bounties) directly from their Twitch dashboard. With Bounty Board, Twitch handles the relationship with the brand and finds sponsorship opportunities for you. Twitch will also handle your payments, so you can concentrate on streaming and growing your community.


Wait a minute, people are getting paid $100 an hour to stream stuff? WTF!

Y’all are old farts. This is the new media, it’s not going away, and these obnoxious assholes and “influencers” are the first generation of the new Hollywood.

I work in the digital marketing industry (as a developer) and this is where all the money is. This is why Salesforce can rent 2 cruise ships for their yearly conference. This is why Amazon bought Twitch.

Yeah, how does that work? It’s not like anyone can sign up and do that and get $100 I would think. Do the streamers have to have a minimum number of subscribers?

Sees ongoing rates on the “bounty board”

So where do I order this “Twitch”? Does it come in a DVD?

Cleve Blakemore should create one of these “bounties” for Grimoire.

This is the sort of post people make when they distill their own farts into liquid form, add Kool-Aid, and drink it.

God this forum is old :-D

Last night I watched a dude basically pay 3 streamers $4000+ to play a game with him for a couple hours.

Some people have a shitload of money.

Guess it’s time to start my own channel, I’ll call it…

Old Man Clicks One Button Mouse

Old man wonders what to do with his CD-ROMs

Ugh. Is that why the expanded interaction with the “real-world” and the monetization subplot about earning real-world money and the whole BuzzTube thing with influencesters really soured me on Wreck-It Ralph 2?

Get off my lawn.

and now the vanguard of today’s celebrities are promoting real world lootboxes aka gambling to their kid fanbase:

A mix of Hollywood, Las Vegas, and the seedier side of “bro” culture. (New Jersey?)