QT3 addiction

Dunno. I’m right on the border between Hyattsville and College Park, so I think I’m far enough from the center of gravity to keep the world balanced.



We are gonna send Webb in there, and he is gonna kick Allen’s ass. Then we are gonna have a Democratic governor, at least one Democratic senator, but still be able to pay low taxes, buy unlimited assault rifles and guns with no permits, and marry our cousins, because they are so attractive.

Seriously, I’ve lived in DC and VA, and I like VA much better. Alexandria, anyway. I’m sure down south it’s a bit more rednecky, kinda like living in southern Ohio. Plus sometimes I drink where George Washington drank. God that rocks!

Oh, and I check QT3 OBSESSIVELY on slow days at work.

I spend far more time reading QT3 than I ought to… you people are my kind of stupid.

My parents and my brother live in northern Va. I’m sure I’d like it there, but my heart is in Md. even though I was raised on the West Coast.

I still get a thrill when on “The Wire” they make in-jokes about places like Dundalk, Howard County and the Eastern Shore. Plus some of the actors have that awesome Baltimore accent.

Whatever happened to the DC-area get-together? It would be cool to meet some gamers around here.


You have to be within a minute or two of where I am. What neighborhood?

I have recovered from my dethronement. The pain, however, is still lodged deep within my soul. Jason has no soul, OTOH. I keed, I keed (unless it is true).

I would like to say I am in a better spot in my life and have gotten past the obsessive posting as a remedy to dissatisfaction at work and therefore my existence on the planet; Work = better, all other facets = nebulous upheaval.

We all take breaks and then slink back, eventually, to find those who will validate our beliefs/yearnings/irritations in all things life related in one way or another.

There really ain’t that much to it. That board has rules to keep the discussion family-oriented, it’s a pay board, and I violated both principles. The sponsor in question was a ticket broker, “I have tickets for bla bla for $x,” and I brilliantly decided to respond with, “I have tickets to watch this guy suck my cock for $3.”

It was pretty stupid of me, at the level of telling Tom Chick to fuck off after he’d asked to tone down the racist comments.*

But it turns out the blacklisting also prevents me from accessing some of the site’s paid content, so the publisher and I came to an agreement that he’ll lift the blacklisting if I can keep my mouth shut until October.

*I have now successfully compared myself to Brian Koontz I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW

Cape St. Claire, right next to Broadneck High.

Erik J.

I just ate at Broadneck Grill tonight. :) I am over in Woods Landing. Small world.


I never took you for a Kraftwerk fan, Bill.

I presume your use of “fucking” is invective, not descriptive. Regardless, that’s pretty much what brings me back on slow days.

That is the creepiest mental image I’ve had in a long time and it’s never coming out and it’s all your fuckin’ fault, Bill.

So I guess what I’m saying is: fait accompli.

I have family down in Roanoke. Sometimes I visit them - y’know, when I can’t fake a broken leg fast enough to avoid going. Trust me: Northern VA might as well be Europe by comparison.

P.S. Maryland REPRESENT! MC, y’all!

That’s a fairly stirring Fight Club analog or metaphor or whatever. Apt and bravo!

Y’know I really hadn’t thought of it that way, but mashed up with that thread where people posted pictures of themselves I think I feel slightly ill.

If you are truly a denizen of the board, you can only choose the S! B! response, yet there are only two of us as of this post. Bugger off, posers.