Qt3 Guild on Arathor thread

Atsumy is going Scryers and Mayveena is going Aldors, just to get the full experience :)


Well, I was going to xfer my BE to Arathor but I guess I missed the boat.

See, I went the irony route. Aldor is all goodness and light (so it seems) and I’m Mr. death facemelter shadow mage with the flaming shoulders and shit.

But also, some of the items and recipes they offer seemed like they would fit my style more. From what I can tell, one is not “better” than the other. Just the rewards suit different styles.

Are you a warlock and not a mage or are you just being flamboyant with your description?

I’ll go in whichever way the rest of the guild is going, simply because then I can pass them whichever rep object I don’t need and they can do the same.

Too bad if it’s scryers though, they are more badass.

It’s best if the guild is more like half and half. See, you get the drops for both types no matter which one you’re trying to earn rep with. So no matter which group you go for, you’ll get drops of the opposing faction as well, and can pass them on.

Actually I’m a shadow priest. :P

Mayveena can now make 18 slot bags. You will need:

90 netherweave
10 arcane dust
1 Greater Planar Essence
2 Netherweb spider silk

Please be sure to specify what you want when you send her the mats. She’ll be making them (with her own mats) to sell for a bit assuming she can find the spider silk (which as of this moment is not available on the ah).


Sweet! Thanks Lorini.

Just as an FYI, the spider silk drops off the turquoise spiders in Terokkar Forest pretty frequently, I’ve been semi farming it for one of my guildmates for bags.

that’s why I was a little suprised not to find it on the AH.

Also, by tomorrow Atsumy will be able to make Super Mana Potions. She has the recipe, I just have to get her skilled up. I’ll update tomorrow with the necessary ingredients.


Decided to have one of my professions for first aid, though right now I can only make those el’cheapo bandages. I’ll get my way up there in a few years.

— Alan

Note that First Aid doesn’t take away a “slot” for your major professions. It’s like fishing or cooking. You’re only allowed two major professions, which are: mining, herbalism, tailoring, blacksmithing, skinning, leatherworking, jewelcrafting, and alchemy.

Looks like its:

2 x Netherbloom
1 x Felweed
1 x Imbued Vial


Oh! Ok so I feel dumb.

— Alan

Wow those mats actually aren’t that bad. I think I may be sending you some in a while after I’ve farmed or bought the necessary netherweave.

I know we have a few people working up gem crafting. I have a few items that have empty sockets, can anyone throw me a list of what they can craft that has either of the following: + def or res, +sta, +str, + anything that helps tanking (agro, block, even hit/crit%).

aka Chumly

I can make lots of gems, but there are still plenty of designs that require earning rep to buy. I got too many designs to list and link 'em all. Especially when you don’t tell me what colors you need. ;)

It’s easier to say this: Go here
and look at the list. I can make ALMOST anything below 350. Unfortunately those neat 350+ gem cutting designs require are drops and higher-rep rewards, and they want lots of $$ on the AH for the drops.

Weedy low level request for my little hunter - could I get a few 8 slot bags? I’m really feeling the lack of storage with having to carry my (magically expandable) quiver around. Name is Jealousie. Higher slottage welcome, of course, if you have some lying around :)

If you send mats to Urthsin he’ll make them for you. Unfortunately I think the smaller bags usually use mats that none of us carry around anymore (silk cloth or whatever).