QT3 hobby desk thread

These are really wild. What… are they? The gundam models always looked fun as heck to build and paint, but I’m just not into gundam/gunpla stuff. This is closer to ‘interesting’ to me…



Yes, they are Ma. K (Maschinen Krieger) models. Really fun to build if somewhat frustrating to find outside of Asia due to very limited runs of stuff here and there (and huge import markup).

It is my favorite line of model kits by far, which is not surprising since it’s an IP that was born directly as model kits. At this point I have deciced to buy every new 1/20 plastic model they release and it’s not a variant I already have (it’s easy, since normally they release less than 1 a year).

They are great builds that due to the weathering they normally go with are pretty friendly to hiding mistakes. However, they are NOT snap fit and they do require some work and prep on the models, so I’d say they are mostly not for beginners (I think some of the small and cheaper new models might be snap fit, though).

I mean, look at the curves and surfaces in those. These guys are full of seam lines you have to fix or they look bad.

So, since I can’t go outside and lack the motivation to do anything productive after work at this point, I’ve turned to painting Space Marines. I’ll post a picture someday, but they are decidedly amateur compared to a lot of the fantastic stuff on this thread.

Anyway, there is a new 9th Edition of 40k coming out, with a cool looking Space Marine/Necron boxset. I know it is a long shot, but would anyone here be interested in trading me the Space Marine half for the Necron half?


I need more big Space Marines with swords in my life.

Sorry I’m very far behind and still painting up models i got in the 90s!

These guys are to go with the space marines, from upthread.

The new models are very nice looking, I just wish they hadn’t fucked with the background quite so comprehensively!

Those look great! I am still at the bottom of a long mini painting learning curve, I’m afraid.

The lighting is not super great, but here are some of the guys I’ve been working on.

A Primaris Apothecary:

A Primaris Captain:

And a Redemptor Dreadnought:

I need to figure out how to do faces. They are just so small!

They look nice! I really like the new primaris scale apothecary.

I remember when i was but a nipper, i struggled with faces too. My eureka moment was when my friend shared his recipe which was basically the base coat flesh colour with a thinned down wash of a slightly darker tone all over the face.

A wash with a thinned down ink on its own looks better than you think it would (at least it did to my 14 yr old eyes). You can then paint the lighter flesh colour back on the raised areas leaving the ink in the recesses of the face. If you want to be super fancy then use an even lighter tone on the very tips of the raised areas of the face.

Also, don’t feel the need to frustrate yourself with doing eyes unless you’re a masochist, so many of my nicely painted models ended up looking like marty feldman after a frustrating 2 hours just trying to get the eyes right.

Oh and thin your paints down with water, better 3-4 coats of thinned paint than 1-2 out of the pot. The coat will look a lot smoother. A lessen i learnt only after ruining about 10years worth models!

Lol…I managed to only ruin about 2 years worth of models by not thinning my paint. Guess I got off easy. :)

I’ve been painting up a bunch of 100 Years War miniatures for Lion Rampant. Been using Perry miniatures, which make some of the best 28mm historical minis ive ever assembled. Their plastic medieval boxes are perfect for Lion Rampant.

Here are some mounted men-at-arms. I’ll probably stick on small banners on the ends of their lancers.

I’ve always loved the Perry twins’ miniatures… and they’re just so damned prolific!

Friend of mine interviewed them recently and now has a standing invitation to play on their tabletop… I’m quite jealous.

Those look really great! In the back of my mind I always thought I’d get into painting miniatures some day but I think it’s more of an aspiration now than a goal. So it’s really nice to see someone who’s done a good job. I get to live vicariously though these images!!

Did some painting today, here’s a WiP. The first vehicle I’ve ever painted. Definitely a different challenge that the troopers. Fun though.

Has anyone tried the GW Muniitorum Varnish for their models? I’ve been using Testors Dullcote but I feel like over the years it’s gotten more sheen too it. I’m looking for a replacement that is very flat, and I’ve heard Munitorum Varnish might fit the bill. Figured I’d ask here in case anyone has tried it.

I’ve been doing a lot of mini painting recently, for no real reason I can discern other than that my YouTube feed keeps sending me videos on techniques that I want to try and emulate. And also because I bought the Blackstone Fortress game a couple months back and it has some absolutely stunning models in it.

In the past month or so I have been experimenting with oil paints and enamels.

This is a really interesting direction since I’ve been painting miniatures with acrylics since the early 90s… but It occurs to me that forty years ago I was painting my Grenadier AD&D miniatures with the enamel paints that I had used on my plastic model kits, so maybe time is a circle and I have simply ended up where I began? Man, I am NOT looking forward to Erica breaking my 7th-grade heart again.

But anyway, the oils have been a real revelation in terms of how easy they are to mix and blend; the surface tension of mineral spirits; the “feathering” technique to do mottling; and the incredibly easy shading with oil filters and washes. It’s been a long time since I had such a viscerally pleasurable experience painting as I’ve had doing “pin washing” with a black oil/mineral spirit dilution.

Here is my third attempt at following Marco Frisoni’s cool recipe for a weathered, battle-damaged Imperial Fist using like 80% oil paints.

It actually looks a lot better in person where the blending in the shadows comes across a bit better. I’m not happy with the texturing on the armor plates – in Marco’s video it adds bulk to the model whereas mine just looks like grit glued to the armor.

Nice work. you’re shading and transitions from one color shade to another are very impressive.

Those are amazing. Oils are really great paints and you can do really subtle stuff with them. I used them extensively for modeling.

Now I’m painting minis (photos soon!) but I can’t use oils since I have a small kid in the house (and those natural spirits are nasty as hell).

Was at a hobbyshop for another purpose and could not pass up building this as I watch One Piece:

But the reason I was in the hobbyshop was this:

I’ve never built an RC car, so thought I would give it a crack. Picked up two Rising Fighters to build with my 7yo, who loves playing with RC’s in general, but the cheap ones are, well, a bit crappy and the smaller entry hobby grade stuff I have (1/18 scale) is generally more fragile than I would like, hard to get parts for locally and doesn’t really perform all that well in my front yard.

I am determined to show him how to each step on my car and then have him do his car as much by himself as possible. Took a trip to Bunnigs today to get him his first set of tools!

He did pretty well on our first night tonight, which consisted of testing the electronics and mounting the servo arm, after ensuring it was in neutral.

All done. I confess I had to do most of the heavy lifting - most of the screws into fresh plastic were a lot tougher to get in than a 7yo can manage. He watched a bit, but not as much as my 3yo daughter did.

He painted the gold one from a spray can by himself though, prescribing to the ‘‘óne thick heavy coat’’ methodology. Turned out well though.

Pretty fun to drive, in a bouncing all over the place kind way. Go plenty fast and excellent range on the relatively cheapy transmitter.

So back in 2004 I built an arcade machine for my apartment. 2008 comes and I wanted to add leds to the buttons. I also had child on the way. So I hired a guy to add rewire and add the leds. He vandalized and destroyed my machine. It was a pain and I always wanted to get back to it, fix it up, but time just hasn’t allowed. I’ve asked my wife every year since then for a repair/new one for birthdays/anniversaries/christmas, but never got it. I thought with Covid I’d have some free time, but I’ve been lucky to be working.

That said, I’m starting on a new one next month. I’ve ordered everything except a new graphics card as you still can’t get them. In addition, I’ve somehow convinced my wife that a virtual pinball machine would also be a good acquisition, so I’m working on that too. Will post photos as I go if you’re interested.